
Active Member
I’m getting ready to order the emp and was planning to order the QB fuse and QB wings at the same time, but QB fuse and wings are at least seven month lead times now. I’m thinking of ordering a SB fuselage and QB wings along with the emp figuring the lead times should allow me to build the emp and roll right into the fuselage then wings should arrive. Is this a reasonable strategy? Are there any gotchas with this approach?

RV-12 N969RV
The RV-14 can be built that way. I did it all slow build, but had no problems with my build order: empennage, fuselage, finishing, firewall forward, wings.
I'd say two potential gotchas:

1. You'll have to store the kits somewhere while you work on other sections. Not a problem if you have plenty of room.

2. Depending on how long it takes to complete your build, it's possible a service bulletin will come along that requires you to take apart/rebuild part of a quickbuild kit. Not likely but a possibility.
I’m getting ready to order the emp and was planning to order the QB fuse and QB wings at the same time, but QB fuse and wings are at least seven month lead times now. I’m thinking of ordering a SB fuselage and QB wings along with the emp figuring the lead times should allow me to build the emp and roll right into the fuselage then wings should arrive. Is this a reasonable strategy? Are there any gotchas with this approach?

RV-12 N969RV

Sounds very reasonable considering the lead times for the QB