
Hi everyone,
New guy wanting to learn more about RVs here. I am interested in an RV4 up your way and would like to talk to someone about a prebuy inspection for the aircraft in the Portland area. Maybe someone knows the plane, RV4 listed on Controller by Sun Country? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi everyone,
New guy wanting to learn more about RVs here. I am interested in an RV4 up your way and would like to talk to someone about a prebuy inspection for the aircraft in the Portland area. Maybe someone knows the plane, RV4 listed on Controller by Sun Country? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The airplane is on Pearson Field in Vancouver WA, One of my hanger neighbors, good guys that own it, haven't flown it but looks fine and they fly it regularly.
Frank Snead out of Hillsboro and Gary Brown out of Independance could do a prebuy. I know Frank well and Gary for his reputation. I am sure Gary knows the airplane and the original builder as they share a home field.
That aircraft was built by Denny Jackson out of Independance. I saw him coming home in his 8 while I was at breakfast their last Sunday. You could probably touch base with him as well for more info.
Looks like it has gone through a panel upgrade relatively recently.
Ok thanks for the welcome and info. I'm in the process with the broker and escrow also getting insurance quotes today. After speaking with the owner of past exp's with Pitts, Thorp and Skybolt it appears the RV4 is an excellent entry into this class of aircraft.
Well gents, the suggestion to contact Gary Brown was a very good one, let me tell you. I found an RV4, made an offer, rejected, found an RV6, second in line, asked Gary for some help and he was GOLDEN. He located the best RV6 in the world and made it happen. I flew it home from Independence Or to Texas Friday and Saturday with Jeanne Wildman,(marvelous instructor) due to insurance requirements. I have not stopped smiling and probably won't. Thank you VAF Forums.