
Well Known Member
Garmin is pleased to announce the GTR 200B panel mount COM radio for experimental and light sport aircraft that offers all the powerful features of the GTR 200 including advanced auto-squelch, 3D audio, stereo intercom, stereo music input, alert inputs, standby frequency monitoring, on-screen frequency identification, 10W of power, 25 kHz tuning, and remote tuning integration with G3X Touch, Garmin portables, and other EFIS systems.

Additionally, the new GTR 200B provides a Bluetooth interface with convenient front panel control that supports telephone/tablet connectivity for communications and music for those using the GTR 200B as their 2 place stereo intercom.

The GTR 200B uses the same rack/wiring as the popular GTR 200, and is a slide-in replacement for those wanting to upgrade.


Pairing your phone or tablet to the GTR 200B, is quick and easy with the Bluetooth connection page.


The GTR 200B retains the ability to wire a stereo music source into the rear connector, and adds a music source menu control to switch between hardwired and Bluetooth music. If you have a GDL 51/51R or GDL 52/52R SXM music receiver, these units may be connected to the GTR 200B by using either hardwire or Bluetooth.


The GTR 200B Media page provides a display of the artist and song title, along with media controls and music volume control.


New softkey options on the GTR 200B support quick access to the media page and/or a top-level single button play/pause control. Pressing and holding the play/pause softkey also provides quick access to the media page without dedicating a softkey to this function. The Bluetooth symbol indicates a device is connected. If you leave the telephone page when a phone call is active, the telephone icon at the top level is a reminder that a phone call is active.


The pop-up telephone page allows you to answer or reject incoming telephone calls.


You may hang up a call in progress either by using your phone or the front panel controls of the GTR 200B. You can also easily adjust the telephone volume of a call in progress from this page, and even see the battery level of your phone (when supported by the phone).


The GTR 200B is available now for a suggested retail price of $1,395.00. The existing GTR 200 is still available at the same suggested retail price of $1,199.00 for those with a Bluetooth audio panel like the GMA 245 that don’t need a Bluetooth capable COM radio and intercom.

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Are there any future plans for Bluetooth control of frequencies, parameters, etc?

Hello John,

The Bluetooth interface is for telephone and music audio.

The GTR 200B, like the GTR 200, also has CAN and RS-232 interfaces which are used to interface to devices which remotely tune the radio. There are no plans to use Bluetooth for this interfacing.

If someone bought this radio and a gtn 650, how difficult or limiting would it be to use this as an audio panel instead of a dedicated GMA245? Will it allow you to monitor one freq while talking on another? How about pilot isolate? I would love to delete the GMA from my planned panel if possible.
If someone bought this radio and a gtn 650, how difficult or limiting would it be to use this as an audio panel instead of a dedicated GMA245? Will it allow you to monitor one freq while talking on another? How about pilot isolate? I would love to delete the GMA from my planned panel if possible.

Hello Rob,

Good question. The GTR 200/200B radios, while great to use for a single COM radio installation with pilot/copilot stereo intercom (now including Bluetooth music/phone support), does not perform the function of an audio panel in a dual COM setup.

Trust me, you will not regret installing the GMA 245 audio panel. It is a real pleasure to use and the only way to go with a dual COM setup.


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The GTR 200B is available now for a suggested retail price of $1,395.00.

I called Aircraft Spruce today to order the new GTR200B and was told $1595

Hmmmmm methinks ACS might want to reconsider that price.

I suspect that with the $1,395.00 being a suggested price that you should be able to find it for a bit less.........

Maybe check with Stein.
If someone bought this radio and a gtn 650, how difficult or limiting would it be to use this as an audio panel instead of a dedicated GMA245? Will it allow you to monitor one freq while talking on another? How about pilot isolate? I would love to delete the GMA from my planned panel if possible.
With the GMA245 you get bluetooth anyway, so you could pick up one of the many GTR200 non-bluetooth models that are about to hit the market at rock bottom prices...
Would this unit be a slide in replacement for an SL40 com or would be a new tray and wiring?

Hello Ted,

Replacing a SL 40 with a GTR 200/200B would require new tray and connectors.

Thank you for your interest.


Ooohhh... I want one of these!!!
1.) Can the pilot and copilot both hear and speak during phone calls?
2.) Does the GTR200B disconnect or prohibit calls by itself at any time?
3.) Can we hear the COM during a phone call?
4.) Do we PTT during a phone call?
5.) Will the phone calls work with an external intercom hooked up (like my PS Engineering 3000)?
Team X is awesome... Thanks Guys!!
Ooohhh... I want one of these!!!
Team X is awesome... Thanks Guys!!

Hello Andrew,

Thank you for your kind words. Answers to your questions below.

1.) Can the pilot and copilot both hear and speak during phone calls?
Yes, both can join in the telephone conversation, but there is more. If you have one of your GTR 200B softkeys setup to provide the Pilot Isolate function, the Pilot can go into isolation and carry on a telephone conversation in private if desired. For example, if the pilot is talking to ATC, you might want to go in isolation during the phone call.

2.) Does the GTR200B disconnect or prohibit calls by itself at any time?
No, not currently by itself. If you put the telephone in airplane mode, this will prohibit calls and still let you listen to music being provided by the phone. You can also disconnect the Bluetooth link.

3.) Can we hear the COM during a phone call?

4.) Do we PTT during a phone call?
No, just speak normally into the mic as if using the intercom when making a phone call. Once you make a phone call with your aviation headset on, you won't want to make them any other way. :)

5.) Will the phone calls work with an external intercom hooked up (like my PS Engineering 3000)?
No, the GTR 200B must be configured for its internal stereo intercom to be the aircraft intercom before the telephone support will be present.


Question for Steve

I wonder, would the bluetooth interfere with the bluetooth channel that I already have that my GDL-50, flightstream and 796 are on?
Question for Steve

I wonder, would the bluetooth interfere with the bluetooth channel that I already have that my GDL-50, flightstream and 796 are on?

Hello Tooch,

Good question. No, there shouldn't be a problem. Bluetooth is designed to avoid interference from other Bluetooth transmitters/receivers using adaptive frequency-hopping spread spectrum.

I have a near new GTR-200 currently and will be updating to the new radio for anyone looking for for a GTR-200. Since it's a slide in upgrade you'll get the new can and connectors for your install. No idea on a price for mine just yet and hopefully Garmin have one on display next week at the Sebring LSA show. :D
The GTR 200B uses the same rack/wiring as the popular GTR 200, and is a slide-in replacement for those wanting to upgrade.


Question about the new unit----------considering it is a "slide-in replacement" for folks who already have an installed GTR 200, are you offering the new one minus tray/connector etc???

If so, what is the $$$ saving?
Question about the new unit----------considering it is a "slide-in replacement" for folks who already have an installed GTR 200, are you offering the new one minus tray/connector etc???

If so, what is the $$$ saving?


No, that wouldn't make any sense. Whether you are going to sell the GTR 200 you pulled out, or install it as a second COM radio, you will need the rack and connectors which come with the new unit.

Just thought I would check-----I already have the tray/connector, only need the radio.

Ok - that does make sense. I hadn't thought about that option!

You might check with the dealer you bought the rack from to see if they can help you out.

I just bought a Citabria to keep my RV3 company and called Stein to order one of these for the Citabria.

Well, welcome to the world of Standard Certified Aircraft.

The comm only CERTIFIED version of this radio without all the fancy Bluetooth stuff is $1900! No sense in abandoning the existing SL40 if I can’t upgrade to Bluetooth.

Too bad Van’s doesn’t make something like a Citabria! :D
Steve-- On the GMA245, where would the audio from my AFS AoA connect. Aux input? And can the Aux input priority be selected so it isn't completely muted when a comm is being received?
Steve-- On the GMA245, where would the audio from my AFS AoA connect. Aux input? And can the Aux input priority be selected so it isn't completely muted when a comm is being received?

Hello snopercod,

Not sure if you meant to post this on the GTR 200B thread.

Most of us connect AOA audio to one of the 4 unswitched/unmuted alert audio inputs on the GMA 245, but there are also 3 aux audio inputs if you prefer.

The volume of each of these 4 alert audio inputs is individually adjustable, so you should be able to set it the way you like it.

If you have additional questions, please contact us directly by phone or email shown below.

Fantastic radio! I just replaced the Apollo SL60 in my RV4 with the new GTR200b and couldn't be happier. Sound quality is excellent and find the features to be intuitive and easy to use. Purchased from Spruce with custom harness and installation was fairly straight forward with no issues. Not quite a drop in replacement, but very close. New tray is just a bit wider, and not as deep. Needed a little trimming and mounting adjustments.

Garmin guys,

I have the GTR200 in my RV8. installed but never flown (expect first flight within next month).

Can I exchange mine for the upgrade?
g3xpert, any chance we'll see a Bluetooth-enabled version of the GTR 20 remote mounted radio/intercom?
GTR 200 B integration to G3X

Quick question: is it possible to control music, telephone and bluetooth connections from the G3X touch screen on a GTR200B installation w/o a stand alone audio panel?
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Garmin GTR 200B COM functionality with G3Xtouch

I upgraded my GTR 200 to a GTR 200B with hopes that the new functions the bluetooth adds ( telephone/media connectivity ) would be controllable thru the G3X touch panel. As far as I can tell the G3X touch continues to function with the GTR 200B identical to how it functioned with the GTR 200. I can pair my phone via bluetooth to the GTR 200 B, but can only control the phone/media thru the GTR 200 B and not the G3x touch- G3xpert has been trying to assist, but so far- no luck. If anyone has had success with this interface, let me know how. The new radio adds functionality, however if it was controllable thru the G3X touch like Sirius XM radio, COM frequency tuning etc are it could be a better more useful upgrade. Thanks
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GTR 200B NOT fully controllable (music/phone) from G3X touch

I finally learned today from G3xpert, after being told by Garmin before i upgraded to GTR200B, that it would be fully controllable thru the G3X touch, specifically adding the phone and media tabs to the audio page. These are only controllable thru the GTR200B itself. The phone and music control is possible, but only thru the GTR200B itself and not thru the G3X touch ( it works identical with how it worked with the standard GTR200 non bluetooth). FYI...
Foreflight Alerts via Bluetooth?

I recently installed a Garmin GTR 200B and took my first flight today with it. I love it so far. Tower told me the audio quality was fine, and I could hear them clearly as well. I have the ICS and SIDETONE adjusted where I want them. I have my iPad paired with the GTR200B, but the audio alerts from Foreflight are way down in the mud. To fix that, do I bump up the (MUSIC) VOL? The volume on the iPad is at max. Thanks in advance. (I have a plain vanilla installation: Mono headsets, no CANbus, no RS-232. AUX 1 input is from my AFS AOA and the warnings come though just fine.)
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I got the Foreflight audio alerts working today. The fix was simple: Turn up the volume! :mad: First I contacted Foreflight and "Todd" told me a helpful trick. To send a "test" audio alert from Foreflight, he told me to go to More > Settings > Preferences > Alerts > Speak All Alerts and you will hear the voice message as you toggle it on/off. I didn't know that. The message came through the iPad speaker just fine, but not my headset.

I had previously paired the iPad with the Garmin so no problem there.

Sitting in the plane today with the radio on, I did two things: First, I turned the iPad volume all the way up (Duh!), and Secondly, on the Garmin GTR200B, I turned the ♫ VOL up to 90% (It had been 80%). The Garmin radio treats both the Foreflight alerts and actual music as "music". I also turned the COM MUTE ♫ to OFF. Otherwise, when ATC was talking, it would block the Foreflight alerts. As is, they both come through at equal volume, which is how I want it. I never listen to music in flight (too **** busy) so that's not a problem.

So after eighteen days, I'm finally done with the GTR 200B installation. Disclaimer: A clean installation wouldn't have taken that long, but I had to remove my POS Icom A-210 and install the Garmin tray in its place. Also I made my own harness. During the re-wire, I messed up the wiring to my flap relays, and it took me three days to troubleshoot and repair that. Whew!
I sense a lack of interest in what I learned during my GTR 200B install, but here's one other thing. On my test flight at 5,000', I was unable to get solid reception of an ATIS until within 20 NM of the station with the RF Squelch set at "08". The audio would just kick in and out. When I got back to base, I adjusted the RF Squelch to "10", which was the maximum. Factory default was "00". I now think I did that backwards. I read that "Higher settings of squelch level require higher received signal strength to unmute the receiver." So I should have left it at zero-zero? Anybody? BTW, correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't adjust the RF Squelch without turning the radio off and back on to get to the "Configuration" menu.
On my test flight at 5,000', I was unable to get solid reception of an ATIS until within 20 NM of the station with the RF Squelch set at "08". The audio would just kick in and out. When I got back to base, I adjusted the RF Squelch to "10", which was the maximum. Factory default was "00". I now think I did that backwards. I read that "Higher settings of squelch level require higher received signal strength to unmute the receiver." So I should have left it at zero-zero? Anybody? BTW, correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't adjust the RF Squelch without turning the radio off and back on to get to the "Configuration" menu.

Yes, you were adjusting the RF Squelch backwards from what you needed. As explained on page 3-8 of the GTR 200/200B Installation Manual, "Increasing this setting increases the signal level required to break squelch. ".

Said in another way, increasing the RF Squelch setting raises the signal threshold and decreases the ability to hear weak transmissions.

It would be very unusual to need to adjust the RF Squelch above the factory setting of zero.

I flew with an A200 radio for over 10 years and it would sometimes break squelch in flight (especially on some center frequencies) for long periods when nothing was being transmitted. I increased the RF Squelch on that radio in an attempt to improve this behavior, but it never helped.

I replaced that radio with a GTR 200 in 2012 (using same antenna/coax) and have never had that problem again even when using the factory default RF Squelch of zero.

Using the factory RF Squelch default of zero should give you the best performance for receiving weak ATIS signals.
