
Well Known Member
In the past new items on the RV-12 forum were highlighted. After being read they became "un-highlited" but now the items stay highlighted for days. Are you seeing this too?
Nope. They are the same as always. Maybe you need to hit the refresh button?
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Make sure you are logged in as yourself, not just viewing like an outsider. It happened to me recently and I found out I wasn't logged in under my "login" any longer.

Perhaps Cookies have to be allowed for in order for only new items to be highlighted.
You can also subscribe to a thread if you want to keep up on any changes.

Easy to do, just click the dropdown icon in the "thread subscription" section of the "additional Options" block just under the window where you type your reply. Select whichever method you want for notification, and that is it.

This does not work for a "quick reply".