Rob H

Well Known Member
If I missed a thread, I apologize. If I recall, my crate date for the new style fuselage kit was November 27. I?m not in a hurry to receive it yet, but just wondering if anyone has gotten theirs yet, or if crating is a bit delayed? I haven?t heard from mothership. If you have received your new fuse kit, what are your initial impressions? Thanks
I got mine two weeks ago. I ordered it the day it was announced BUT I already had a fuselage order into the company and they converted me to the new one. So I was sort of already in the pipeline.

Have they charged the remainder of your credit card yet? It usually arrives about two weeks after that (a week to crate and a week to ship)
Thanks for the update, Bob, and yes I paid in full some time ago. I ordered my kit a bit later than you did as I?d already taken possession of the old kit and had to get it sold. I was one of the unfortunate builders that got caught between the two kits. Had I known there was a new kit coming out, I would?ve waited to order. Thankfully, it all worked out without hurting the pocketbook too much. Wishing you continued success on your build!
I ordered mine on July 25, and they gave me an approximate crating date of November 13. I thought the date would probably slip when I ordered it, but Van's was right on time! The kit was delivered a few days before Thanksgiving. Here are my first impressions:

1. Lots of parts look similar to old parts, but they have slight differences. Parts that have changed (and there are a lot of them) have a different part number. For example, the F-1276 belly skin is now an F-01276-1 skin.

2. The fuel tank is included in the fuse kit, but the turtle deck and aft window aren't. Much of the instrument panel is missing, too. However, the handle to help you get in and out that goes on the panel is included.

3. The steps aren't included, but you can see the holes where they will probably attach.

4. The longerons are pre-bent, but they are not twisted and they still have to be opened 5.4 degrees.

5. The seats look different. No hinges on the seat pans and the seatback braces are more like the 7A and 9A. The control console that goes between the seats isn't part of this kit; it must be part of the finish kit.

6. Perhaps the biggest difference between old and new is the fuel system. The plans show both the iS and ULS options. The iS system is much more complicated than the ULS option. Lots of filters, multiple pumps, etc., but as a fellow RV-12 builder explained to me, that?s normal with a fuel injected engine (thanks, John!). The expensive stuff (pumps, filters, etc.) is in a different kit, but it is shown on the plans.

The new ULS fuel system is also different from the original. The gascolator and fuel shutoff valve are both in the back where the tail cone meets the baggage bulkhead. It's not indicated for either system how you shut off the fuel from the cockpit. The red knob that the original kits have isn?t shown in the plans. Perhaps it?s part of the finish kit.

That's what I've noticed so far, but I'm still doing inventory. Scott or anyone else, please correct me if my initial observations are wrong.
I ordered mine on July 25, and they gave me an approximate crating date of November 13. I thought the date would probably slip when I ordered it, but Van's was right on time! The kit was delivered a few days before Thanksgiving. Here are my first impressions:

1. Lots of parts look similar to old parts, but they have slight differences. Parts that have changed (and there are a lot of them) have a different part number. For example, the F-1276 belly skin is now an F-01276-1 skin.

2. The fuel tank is included in the fuse kit, but the turtle deck and aft window aren't. Much of the instrument panel is missing, too. However, the handle to help you get in and out that goes on the panel is included.

3. The steps aren't included, but you can see the holes where they will probably attach.

4. The longerons are pre-bent, but they are not twisted and they still have to be opened 5.4 degrees.

5. The seats look different. No hinges on the seat pans and the seatback braces are more like the 7A and 9A. The control console that goes between the seats isn't part of this kit; it must be part of the finish kit.

6. Perhaps the biggest difference between old and new is the fuel system. The plans show both the iS and ULS options. The iS system is much more complicated than the ULS option. Lots of filters, multiple pumps, etc., but as a fellow RV-12 builder explained to me, that?s normal with a fuel injected engine (thanks, John!). The expensive stuff (pumps, filters, etc.) is in a different kit, but it is shown on the plans.

The new ULS fuel system is also different from the original. The gascolator and fuel shutoff valve are both in the back where the tail cone meets the baggage bulkhead. It's not indicated for either system how you shut off the fuel from the cockpit. The red knob that the original kits have isn?t shown in the plans. Perhaps it?s part of the finish kit.

That's what I've noticed so far, but I'm still doing inventory. Scott or anyone else, please correct me if my initial observations are wrong.

Looks like an accurate assessment Mark.

The fuel valve is now remotely controlled via a cable control which can bee seen just to the right of the throttle in a photo on the RV-12 WHATS NEW page

I was glad for the "0" before some of the old numbers. Made it easier to sort each part by number and make it super easy to find without having one big pile of parts named 1204-A-Z

I'm freaking amazed at how good the plans are and the parts fit together.

It's gotten to the point where I feel like I can just sit and have a beer and tell the parts what to do for the plane to go together and they'll do it. But maybe that's the beer.
I just received the email yesterday that the crate was to be picked up by the carrier yesterday. I should be seeing it next week! Christmas early for me.

Just curious if you sold your legacy fuselage.

I keep thinking about building a new machine...