Dayton Murdock

Well Known Member
Hi All

Is there an intercom that will allow me to monitor a com radio and talk to the back seater without interruption? I have a flightcom 403mc installed and it performs well as a general intercom, But; my wife and daughter have complained about radio traffic on our longer flights.
Hi All

Is there an intercom that will allow me to monitor a com radio and talk to the back seater without interruption? I have a flightcom 403mc installed and it performs well as a general intercom, But; my wife and daughter have complained about radio traffic on our longer flights.

Interesting intercom requirements. I can understand them from your wife's and daughter's perspective.

I'm not aware of any with that feature. On my 340, I can isolate the back seat. But comm traffic is always present to any combination of settings that the pilot is assigned to.

My family uses Ipods quite extensively when flying. I always get complaints about the auto muting when comm traffic occurs.
PMA can do it - I think...

My PMA 6000 has an isolation mode which isolates the PAX from radio traffic. I've never used that mode - kinda hard to do in a 7A :rolleyes:
I suggest looking at a PMA user manual, or talk to a radio shop. I'm sure many 4+ place intercoms can do something like that.

Update: from the PMA 6000 manual:
3.6.5 Intercom Modes (All versions)
The center switch is a 3-position mode switch that allows the pilot to tailor the intercom function to best
meet the situation. The description of the intercom mode function is valid only when the unit is either in
the COM 1 or COM 2 position of the Mic Selector switch. When the unit is in the "Split" mode, only the
passengers have intercom function.
ISO: (Up Position): The pilot is isolated from the intercom and is connected only to the aircraft radio. He
will hear the aircraft radio reception (and sidetone during radio transmissions). Copilot and passengers will
hear the intercom and music on Entertainment 1, but not the aircraft radio receptions or pilot transmissions
ALL: (Middle Position): All parties will hear the aircraft radio, intercom, and music from entertainment
input #1. However, during any intercom communications, the music volume automatically decreases when
SoftMute is active (See section The music volume increases gradually back to the original level
after communications have been completed.
CREW (Down Position): Pilot and copilot are connected on one intercom channel and have exclusive access
to the aircraft radios. They may also listen to Entertainment 1. Passengers can continue to communicate
with themselves without interrupting the Crew and also may listen to Entertainment 2
. Anytime the
PMA6000 is in either the COM 1/COM 2, COM 2/COM 1, or TEL/COM 1, ("Split Mode") the pilot and copilot
do not have any intercom function. The passengers will maintain intercommunications.
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I have a DRE 244E intercom in my -7A and it does exactly what you ask. You put it in "music" mode and the pilot and passenger can talk over the intercom and only the pilot will hear the radio transmissions. Also in this mode music will not be muted for the passenger when you talk on the intercom.

Unfortunately DRE is out of business, but the intercom is fantastic. There was talk about maybe some of the former involved parties restarting the company but so far I have heard nothing. There was a 244e for sale a while back in the classifieds so you may want to check there.

I just can also simply turn off Pax Radio and it has the same effect, minus the non-muting music.