
Well Known Member
Hello All,

I am a new home owner and our house has a "bonus room". This room actually used to be a one-stall garage, but the previous owners converted it to an actual room with its own heating/cooling. It is carpeted as well, but not as nice as the rest of the house.

Since I am in the planning stages of this RV build, I was thinking that I may be able to work in this bonus room. I also have a nice 2-stall garage, but it would not be climate controlled and the car(s) would have to sit out .. at least mine, anyway.

My question: What experiences or suggestions can people share with this idea? The room is separated from the house by a single set of french doors. Is it going to be simply too messy for this type of work space? Perhaps the garage is still the better way to go. :)

I appreciate anyone's input.

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sounds like you should order the tail

I built my tail and some of my wings in my finished basement...

Be mindful of a few things:

1. Heating/cooling separate from the rest of the house is probably good. But always watch out working with anything that contains solvents in confined spaces. In your case if you've got windows in the bonus room you can open them, close the french doors and probably be fine, maybe use a fan in one of the windows. (also, there are several threads about respirators if you search the forums)

2. Air compressors can be loud, especially an oil-less type compressor in a small room. (again, there are several threads about different compressors and how you can keep the sound down)

3. Unless you are really attached to the carpet, I'd advise ripping it out. Chances are that it will be ruined from chips and tank sealant by the time you're done anyway. You shouldn't have too much trouble with tracking aluminum chips all over the house if you can keep the floor clean. I'm not sure a vacuum cleaner would work so well although I guess it depends on the type of carpet.

4. If you need to store tools and parts someplace outside of the room, like in the garage, then keeping the floor clean along the pathway between the room and the garage might be difficult.

5. Make sure that there is a pathway to get whatever you do build in there out. The stabilizers, elevators and rudder should not be a problem but if you need to turn a corner to get out then the wings might not fit.
Since I am in the planning stages of this RV build, I was thinking that I may be able to work in this bonus room. I also have a nice 2-stall garage, but it would not be climate controlled and the car(s) would have to sit out .. at least mine, anyway.
You could use the bonus room for part and completed sub-component storage and do the actual work in the garage. This way you'll keep your parts away from the mess of building and the controlled environment will reduce the chance of corrosion over the several years it'll take to finish the plane. In the garage, you'll have more options for laying out your workshop without worrying how to keep parts out of harms way.
The house we just moved into has what they call around here a "John Deere Room". It is a single car garage in the walk out basement. In our house this room is about 15x19, with another storage room tacked on the back.

I am going to use this room for building all the major components of the RV-10. It will get tight with the fuse joined, but I might build a shop, or move to the chapter or friends hangar by the time I get to that point.

You didn't say if the garage door was still there, or not, but you might consider converting it back.
Good point

Good points, all.

I think I may build in the garage and use the bonus room for storage. The bonus room is actually finished off pretty nicely - so I wouldn't want to totally destroy it. :p

Thanks for the tips.