
Well Known Member
A little catching up is in order. I have been devoting most of my time to getting things organized, and it appears to be working! This is to announce a new AviationNation project at Grand Prairie Collegiate Institute, Texas, beginning this fall. GPCI is a charter school, only three years old, but really working to bring quality education to their students. It must be succeeding! They just competed in the Texas-wide SkillsUSA competition, and won several Gold Medals. Several teams and individuals are moving on to Nationals In Louisville.

About two weeks ago, the Principal and a teacher came and visited our project at Jennings County High School, North Vernon, Indiana (that is the school where I began the first Eagle's Nest Project) and watched the kids work. They decided our approach was what they were looking for, and we are partnering with them, starting this fall.

We will have more announcements in coming weeks. We hope to have our 501(c)(3) approval next week. We plan to have six projects building this fall, only one year after we began. As before, we put kids first, and all projects will be RV-12s. Visit our facebook page at (Yes I know the name is screwed up, sorry, will fix it when I figure out how...) Also, if you would like to help us prepare for Oshkosh, visit This is a just-launched campaign to help fund their trip to AirVenture. A few bucks could really help!

We are pretty busy getting projects up and running, but certainly can talk if you have the dream of helping kids succeed in life by learning the discipline of aircraft construction. Give me a call! (812) 701-5454.

We are pretty busy getting projects up and running, but certainly can talk if you have the dream of helping kids succeed in life by learning the discipline of aircraft construction. Give me a call! (812) 701-5454.


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Now is as good a time as any, especially now that Joe jumped in! Joe is Chief Mentor of the NEXT AviationNation Project announcement, a project with a church organization. This will be the first project of its type, although we have had church school projects. A little different, this time.

I believe that the benefits of this program are just too great to restrict it to only certain schools. This is a big group, with big ideas. It will be used as a youth outreach by the church. These two programs are perfectly positioned to share ideas and experiences. We welcome both into AviationNation! BTW, the CPCI group plans to bring some of their kids up to visit our build before starting their own.

We will be announcing other programs as it becomes appropriate. Again, ask if you have questions about ANP, and visit our websites.

Congratulations, Bob!!

You HAVE been busy... It's great to see your organization is growing rapidly and providing a once in a lifetime 'airplane building' experience to segments of our nation's youth that are often overlooked. Job well done and keep up the great work.

If there's anything Eagle's Nest Projects can do to assist your two new projects in Texas, please call on us. We have seven high schools in Texas participating in our program and based on past experience, I promise you that any one of them would jump at the chance assist a fellow student-builder if given the opportunity.

If you or any of your student-builders will be attending Sun 'n Fun, please stop by Row 10 in HB parking... we'll have seven aircraft on display and a number of student-builders on hand eager to share their experience.

Personal regards,
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Wow Bob that?s great news. Have always enjoyed visiting Jenny County Projects at North Vernon Airport Appreciating Day. You can see the pride and joy in the kid?s eyes as they display and talk about their projects and finished RV12?s.

If you stop by Columbus (June 11 AAD) we will have a good presence there. They are having a full airshow this year, and lots of displays. Met with them this morning, and they are projecting over 10,000 attendance. Thanks for the kind words, BTW.


If you stop by Columbus (June 11 AAD) we will have a good presence there. They are having a full airshow this year, and lots of displays. Met with them this morning, and they are projecting over 10,000 attendance. Thanks for the kind words, BTW.


If you stop by Columbus (BAK, June 11 AAD) we will have a good presence there. They are having a full airshow this year, and lots of displays. Met with them this morning, and they are projecting over 10,000 attendance. Thanks for the kind words, BTW.


Hi stepson has his own A@P business and has helped build several RV's during his 3 year stint as a student and wants to start a -12 build at the local high school. How are most of these projects funded?
