
Hi everyone, I'm new here. Just wanted to say hi.

My dad built a -9/A and then got me addicted to flying this last weekend. Now I'm trying to scrounge extra money for flying lessons (done with the King school dvd's), maybe someday I'll even build a -3 or -4 or something. Anyway, hi everyone!
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Welcome Aboard

Welcome to the VAF. This is a great forum to learn about RV's and flying in general. We have many RV wannbe's in this group that are also learning to fly at the same time.
You will be very happy that you decided to make the committment to learn to fly and also to build/buy and RV.
Welcome. Looks like you are getting off to a good start. I bet your dad can't wait for you to start bulding so he can lend a hand. Good luck with your lessons!