Flight Chops

I'm New Here
I have lurked around these forums for many years...
Been carrying a beat up old pic of an RV-7 since I got my first inkjet printer in ~2001, and am super excited to be finally closing in on owning a Van's Aircraft!

I look forward to making new friends here, and picking your brains as my aircraft project gets under way in a month or so.

Welcome aboard , you will love the 14, I certainly do. Hoping my grass strip will harden up in May for a trip to Cornwall ON. in mine.

I enjoy your videos. I hope you enjoy the building process. You will learn a ton of new skills. Just eat the elephant one bite at a time.
Welcome Steve! I've been following your channel for a few years now and am looking forward to watching your progress on your 14.
Can't wait to follow your Vlog... Thinking about starting a -14 build myself, to replace my flying -9A someday.
Hi Steve!

I watched your latest video last night. Nice interview at Sun n Fun, Mr. Squinty! :p

Awesome to hear that you've decided to build. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun doing it.

I currently rent and fly out of St. Andrews so maybe we'll cross paths someday.

Welcome to the world of homebuilding. You are fortunate in that there are many RVs in southern Ontario; Brampton, Kitchener, st.thomas, Sarnia, to name a few.
Feel free to contact me with any questions

Tom Martin
Welcome Steve!

Love what you create with your videos. I look forward to seeing what you create with your 14!
Welcome Steve. I enjoyed our brief chat at SnF this year. Count me among the folks that wondered how in the world you could add "build and airplane" to what seems like a full schedule. Having seen your vlog, a team of helpers you plan to enlist will make quick work of the project I suspect. Look forward to watching your progress!
Congrats! You will have a never ending amount of subject matter to vlog with building an airplane. Just make it a habit to get out there and work on it a little bit every day. Sounds like that might be hard since you are not building at home, but you'll be surprised at how a few days off will just kill your productivityin the shop. The effort is worth the reward, so enjoy the build.
Welcome to one of the most informative and addictive sites on the internet. I
have watched your videos for quite a while and have enjoyed them thoroughly.
In fact you have inspired me to go get my tail wheel endorsement. Really
looking forward to it and to your upcoming build.

Another guy that likes your videos here. I think the Vans community will benefit quite a bit from your involvement too, both in some good building videos and some great PR to spread the message. So thanks from all of us!
Thank you for your videos. Thank you for the inspiration. Looking forward to the RV-14 journey.

Expect I will be following in more ways then one very soon.

I?ve enjoyed your videos, particularly the ones with Mike Seager. I ordered the first kit (empennage) for my RV-14 after Oshkosh 2016. Almost three years ago! Just at the 40 hour mark of Phase I now, going into the paint shop on Monday, so i will sign it off after the test flights following paint and reassembly! GREAT airplane, just flies like a dream! Welcome aboard
Welcome to homebuilding, Mr. Chops. I love and subscribe to your videos.
Don’t forget to ask here about what the best primer is! :D
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Welcome, I look forward to watching your build. If you ever get to Bentonville, AR to fly the Game Bird hit me up. (Also hook a brother up with a ride) :)

I have lurked around these forums for many years...
Been carrying a beat up old pic of an RV-7 since I got my first inkjet printer in ~2001, and am super excited to be finally closing in on owning a Van's Aircraft!

I look forward to making new friends here, and picking your brains as my aircraft project gets under way in a month or so.


I saw your video touring Van's and flying the different models and wondered if after flying an RV, you would be able to resist having one. I couldn't! Welcome and enjoy.


Welcome to the RV family. Like others, I watched your video when you visited the mothership and saw your RV Grin :D. The difference between a normal smile and an RV Grin is that the RV Grin is permanent until you sell your RV, then it becomes a permanent frown until you get an RV back ;) .
You?ll love the journey.
Welcome and the competition is on


Great to see you in this forum! I have seen your YouTube posts and enjoyed a lot.

I am building early RV-6A. So competition is on to finish it before you are done yours :). There are many others who have finished before me!

Looking forward to see your updates and videos.

Welcome to the forum! I am another -14 builder who added RV-building to an already crazy-full life schedule. It truly is one of the most educational, humbling, frustrating, wonderful, mind-expanding, aluminum-dust-covering, hand-muscle-building experiences one could ever imagine! Congratulations!:p
Welcome to a great life experience, building and ultimately test flying an RV. The VAF community is awesome! When I ruined my front windshield by using loctite one of the VAF members had a windshield and I was back in business building in 1 week. I can?t say how important this was to keep my spirits on track to finish my build. You?re in the right place to help you in your build process.
I?ve enjoyed watching your videos over the past few years so look forward to your RV-14 build postings.
Welcome Steve!

We met in 2018 at OSH. It's great to see you're building, we're all rooting for you (and many are watching the vlog). Best advice; you'll make mistakes, every airplane has many of them, push-on, anything can be fixed and building through it. Make a point to get your hands on 2024 T-3 every few days no matter what.

Good luck, you can do it!


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Hey Steve, welcome... but you knew that. Just what you need... another forum that I can use to continue to bother you. ;)

I'm a subscriber! You should fully enjoy the build, I do! And I think the ride will be even better.
You will find the community here most amazing.
Subscriber here too! Looking forward to your build videos.

Best advice I ever got: Think "I'm building a tractor not a space shuttle"
Welcome Steve!!

"You are the man"!
Have fun building. It is an amazing aircraft as you well know. You will not regret a minute you spend building it. Good Luck.
I love watching your videos. They are the best content out there for us down to earth, so to speak, pilots.
Welcome to the funny farm Steve! Been a fan of the vids also for quite some time. I echo the sentiments about Proseal and your beard. And you'll lose track of how many times you drill your finger while drilling a part, just as quickly as you lose track of how many times you order something from Spruce, only to forget something after you hit send. :p

Hey, I think Steve needs to do a vid at Oshkosh of the Monday night beer meet-up.

To paraphrase Red Green - "Remember, we're here for ya. We're all in this one together"

Now if we could only get steveo1kinevo starting a build also...
I have lurked around these forums for many years...
Been carrying a beat up old pic of an RV-7 since I got my first inkjet printer in ~2001, and am super excited to be finally closing in on owning a Van's Aircraft!

I look forward to making new friends here, and picking your brains as my aircraft project gets under way in a month or so.


Give me a shout some time. Sent you an email to flightchops. Welcome to the vans world and thanks for your contribution to aviation.
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As another long time lurker to this forum, and subscriber to your channel, congrats from a jealous ground bound Western Canadian.
Helloooo Steve! I also have been an avid viewer of FlightChops. Welcome aboard the good ship VAF!!!
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Steve, if you have not already seen it you should look up Plane Savers on YouTube. Mikey Mcbryan of Buffalo Airways is rebuilding a WWII DC3 for the 75th anniversary of D-Day. They are currently in Montreal working on the plane, so it is fairly close to you was well.