David: Nice set-up there and beautiful workmanship on the-12. Bet you're chomping at the bit to get her airborne!
Thanks for sharing and keep the progress reports coming.

Seattle area
Looking good David! I am really having fun with my build. I am sorry I wasn't able to help with the move to Bolton but I now I look forward to being able to see both you and Dave G. at the same location. Mom's hip is healing fine but she is still in rehab at the nursing home. I really missed not being able to go to Sun-N-Fun but my son-in-law who lives only 45 minutes away from Lakeland, FL was up this past week and he got to help me with my build! He was so excited! He fly's paramotors and is going to bring it with him the next time he comes up so I can watch him.

Great VLOG by the way!
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