
Hi, I'm another one of those new guys considering attempting an RV build.

My experience to date has been completely flying and breaking airplanes only. I have no practical aircraft maintenance or kit building experience. Naturally the thought of tackling such a daunting project is intimidating.

I've order some Vans general info and building DVDs and have narrowed my desire down to either the RV8 or 7.

I like the idea of simply going out for a little fun (mild acro) and an occasional xcounty (do far too much traveling with my day job) so I'm leaning towards the 8. My CFO (wife) likes the SBS cockpit of the 7. I realize its also capable of acrobatics, but it simply isn't as sexy as the 8 IMHO. Either way, it WILL BE a tail wheel. I know this is strictly a personal choice, but any thoughts?

If I go with the 8, I'd like to go with the Fastback sliding canopy mod as I really like that look. Not sure what the best engine and prop choice would be for all around sport performance. 3-Blade looks great...

As a displaced American living in Germany I'm a bit concerned about the availability and accessibility of fellow builders to go to for help and info as well as FAA sign off when the time comes. I intend to keep this Nreg.

Given the above, I would like to look at the possibility of doing such a project in the US together with a build assist shop. I fly long haul so travel/free time can be managed fairly well. Anyone have any thoughts on a location or how best to go about this?


Hi Jeff,

As a displaced Brit living in Germany, I am in the process of setting up to build the first RV-3 in Germany. I live very near Frankfurt Airport and if you are close by, maybe we could meet and I can go through the process with you of building an experimental in Germany.


Sounds goo. I'm on the Luxembourg border just to the east of FRA.

Send me an email and we'll exchange numbers.

Hi Jeff,

if you know some german might be a good place to start (english helps too with most of the users).

There's been an RV Fly-In in Damme for the last two years and it's planned for thel last weekend of May this year:

We have a significant number of RVs in Germany and since the country is not that large help shouldn't be too difficult to find.
Hi Jeff,

Luxembourg is to the west of FRA. Did you mean the other east? ;)

Email sent

You're a funny guy Anthony -- fact is I'm just a bad typer. That being said, in my world, being East or West of a given location really depends on where you are at the time.

Thanks for pointing out my mistake.


those that have and those that will