
Well Known Member
Hey All!

I'm finally coming out of lurker mode and posting, this time as an actual builder! :p I'm getting ready to order the starter tool kit from Cleveland and get my RV-7 tail kit on the way.

I'm located in Cedar Rapids, IA ... and still looking for the elusive RV ride. ;) I know this plane will suit my needs, though - with the cross-country abilities and the "gentleman aerobatics" abilities. Anyhow... just throwing my name out there! I've started working on a web site to document my progress - the site is at http://www.giveflight.org.

See ya around the forums!
Newbee - RV Ride

Casey - Congratulations on your decision and welcome to the wonderful world of Homebuilding, but more specifically to the world of RV building. I also see that you have decided to put the third wheel on the correct end of the airplane :D. Good choice!

There are several flying RV's in the CR area and I'm certain that you will get a response to your request for a flight. Have a good time with your project, pay very close attention to details but don't let them slow your progress and don't forget to use the guys at Van's and these forums for any questions that may come up....and there will be many! The way I see this is that the tail & wings are just training for the fuselage so, IMHO, if you decide to purchase any QB items, the tanks and fuselage come to mind. There are lots of tricks....listen here and learn!

Hello Casey

n615ks is right. Your in the right place. I'll be ordering my tail kit soon. I'll be watching and learning from you and many others here.


Hey All,

Thanks for all of the responses! I will try to hook up with someone for a ride in a -7/7A.

I think I'll be placing my tail kit order first part of October!
