
I'm New Here
I've been a lurker over the last several weeks and have thoroughly enjoyed the forum. I have been thinking about getting my pilot's licence and then eventually building an aircraft. so here's my question(s)....

I'm a rather big guy....(304lbs), which airplane would be more and my wife plus luggage on trips.

I'm currently going through Chemotherapy for Non-hodgkins Lymphoma. Mine is a non-aggressive cancer and responding to the chemo. Do I have to wait until chemo is stopped before obtaining a medical cert??

i know dumb questions for you guys but bare with me...

thanks in advance


ps. my bio list Manassas, VA and Parker, TX as where I live. currently I'm living in Manassas, VA due to Job relocation...still own a house in Parker, TX (With 3-car garage suitable for building an RV) and plan to move back there in the next few years....

Welcome to the VAF forum!

Van's limits passengers in their demo planes to around 250 lbs or some such number. I gave a ride to a guy who was 280 lbs in my -9 and will never do that again. There just wasn't enough room for the two of us in there.

In addition, I couldn't get the stick far enough back to flair for the landing and not even a wheel landing was possible.

Based on your size, a -10 might be best but I still don't know about the strength of the wing walk or the step. You might want to check with Van's prior to sinking a bunch of cash on one of their planes.

Better yet, this might be a good incentive to loose a few extra pounds. It has worked for me.
The only dumb questions...

...are the ones you didn't ask!

On the medical, one of the better sources is the AOPA, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Try their website at Lots of information under "medical certification."

Being a large fellow myself, I can identify with your concern regarding fitting the airplane. When I decided I wanted an RV8, I tried one on for size at Oshkosh. Worked perfectly. My issue was that I am tall, 6'3" and long legged. In addition to this my favorite lady co-pilot is a long legged and six feet tall. Anyway, try a few on and see what you like.

Welcome to the fun!

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
Just pick a plane and start building... by the time you have stressed and sweat for several years, you'll lose weight and not even know it! (Atleast thats my current diet plan... albeit an expensive one!)
thanks guys...

on the weight issue...I'm working on that...more incentive.

I was looking at the -10 as the candidate

I was also wondering if the path to pilot licence might be "sport pilot" then private pilot...

I don't know...I keep pondering and reading again...thanks
thanks guys...

on the weight issue...I'm working on that...more incentive.

I was looking at the -10 as the candidate

I was also wondering if the path to pilot licence might be "sport pilot" then private pilot...

I don't know...I keep pondering and reading again...thanks

If you're going to go to the trouble of getting a license... just go for the private. Well worth it.
Don't screw around with it. Get a private pilot and be done with it, you'll be way ahead and be better off for it.
Just pick a plane and start building... by the time you have stressed and sweat for several years, you'll lose weight and not even know it! (Atleast thats my current diet plan... albeit an expensive one!)

this is what i am doing! i started at 298#. started an RV7A last november.
tail done....283# got wing, 1/2 done 270#.
bought a citabria last month, couldnt find a skinny cfi. now 260# found 143# cfi and have tail dragger cert. still working on rv but now changing to RV7, love tail draggers.
for every 6# i loose i get 1 more gallon of gas! hope to loose enough to get airborn! LOL
Hey Barry

I have an -8, am 6' 4", and (until recently) was 350 lbs. With my wife and full fuel we were at gross, so baggage was extra. We never had a problem.

Thankfully, I've lost 115 lbs and you would not believe the performance increase ;-) Plus, the cockpit feels HUGE now.

My advice ? Poke around local airports and see if you can find some RV's to sit in. I think any will do the job, but you'll want to be comfortable.

My $0.02,