
Well I finally bit the bullet after about a year of research and ordered the RV7QB. I made this move not knowing anything about sheet metal. My only building experience was building a LongEZ back in the 80's from plans. I going to need a lot of help and advice from you all. I'm really looking forward to this project.
Fox Smith
Brownsville, TN
Welcome aboard

You made a fine choice ordering the 7QB. Believe me, you won't be disappointed. This web site is a absolute wealth of information and the amount of help and support you get from it's members is quite moving.

Happy building.

You will enjoy this experience. I'd say you have a good deal of experience and once you get the feel for the aluminum building process you will probably go way ahead of many new builders. My only building project before my 9A was a work table. So, I'm proof that most anyone can do it.
Me too.


Welcome. I am getting my "Before RV-10 Delivery To Do List" completed. I am sure you are too. I am scheduled to have Partain deliver mine mid to late October. There are not many RV's in this area of the country. Have fun and you will learn alot on here. I have completed most of my research over the past five years and will not be on here much after I start pounding rivets. This is addictive and can take up alot of your build time. I need to get this plane built as we are tired of renting 172's every month. Take care.
Welcome, Fox...

...In my opinion, you'll have no problem getting it finished because you have already demonstrated the determination to see an airplane build all the way through. You'll be surprised at how much ahead of the game you are, having done this. You know that you build one piece at a aileron here, an elevator there and so on until there are no more pieces to build....and you also made a fine choice in the -7.

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Hey Fox... we talked at some EAA meetings back last year about getting started. Glad you finally bit the bullet. I'm about done with the emp and moving on the the fuse (doing QB wings).

Shoot me a PM if you ever want to get together and talk shop. :)
Another new guy

I've already got myself mixed up in some auto engine discussions, so I guess I'd better give the introduction as well. Fox, I hope it's okay for me to hijack your thread to introduce myself?

Living in Europe, 39 years of age, father of a 6 year old son who first flew when he was about eight weeks old. Started building a Jodel (all-wood 1958 French design which in its days was in Europe what the RV is nowadays in the US - fast and popular) when I was 27 years old. First flight was 7 years later, powered by a Subaru that I had converted myself. No entirely happy with the engine, I put in a "ready to fly - just add gas" NSI and learned the hard way about the gap between vendor claims and the real world. Just managed to get most my engine delivered before NSI closed shop and MPS took over. Then the engineering effort to make it an aircraft engine could begin...

Got the NSI flying and started to look for a new challenge. Preferably one where I could take revenge on myself for all the things that in 20-20 hindsight I could have done better.

Found just that in a Robin (the 3rd generation of my own plane, basically) that I fitted with an Eggenfellner 3.0 H6, glass cockpit, etc etc for and together with friend Heinz (who is also on this list).

Then decided to try to make it a modest business. Found a customer to do a Jodel wing for. Finished that one a couple of weeks ago, and it looks like an RV7A is heading this way pretty soon.

In the mean time, I'm trying to remember why I became an engineer in the first place by designing an aircraft which I plan to build when time permits. I've got the basics pretty much worked out and will attempt to put the whole lot in Solidworks next. Should be fun.

Oh, and I'm working on Subaru engine number three for my Jodel. Not because the old one was bad, but because I think the new one will be better. Grinding aluminium for the air intakes now.

Anyway, sorry for being long-winded. Just like Fox, I'm really looking forward to learning the required metal skills and think that in this group here, I've struck gold.
