Greetings. I guess I would qualify myself as ?a long time listener, first time caller? to the Vansairforce forum. My foray into experimental aircraft began some 50 years ago. when I was about four or five, my family was on our way to church when we drove past someone?s garage with a half built Piper Cub poking out. That image stuck in my head and was the seed that started this adventure. It has also been the carrot that I?ve dangled in front of myself while I was obtaining my medical degree, starting my practice, putting my daughter through school and building our house. I have finally come to the point where I can pursue my ambition of building an airplane. I purchased a RV8 QB kit and I am knee deep in the construction. I have completed the empennage and ready to move on to the wings. Both my father and grandfather were tool and die makers, however, metalworking does not appear to be an inherited skill. I find that I have become somewhat frustrated in the effort that it has taken to get my build to the quality that I expect in my other pursuits. If there are any builders in the Holland, Michigan area, I would appreciate it if you would send me a shout. I have been very impressed with the support of the Van?s community, which is one of the reasons I chose this airframe.

2019 Dues paid
Welcome Aboard.

Congratulations on making your choice of a Vans Aircraft. You will not be disappointed. Every builder sets out to build that perfect airplane with top quality through out and not a single rivet that's not sheet metal textbook worthy. Here's a handy little piece of information for you..... "It ain't gonna happen!" Despite that, when you finish you will have an airplane that's close enough to perfect for you.

If I was closer, I'd be happy to give you pointers. There are many true experts on VAF and I'm not one of them. I'm sure you'll get the help you seek.

Again congrats and welcome aboard!
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I, like quite a few other builders, tend to suffer from a little OCD and need an occasional realignment. I think most of my concern are cosmetic and has to do primarily with dimple quality. I think my horizontal and vertical stabilizer are to my liking but I am dissatisfied with the elevators. I suspect that the thinner skin and unsupported stiffeners both contributed to distortion in the surface and not a glass like finish I was hoping for. Well, onward.