
Well Known Member
To all GRT customers & friends:

As of about 10 minutes ago, we have a new web presence. The new website should make life easier for customers looking for software updates & user documentation. And thanks to serious help from Kahuna, we've also launched a dedicated online user forum here. VAF has served us well and will continue to--seeing as many of us are RV'ers too ;) -- but the dedicated forum with its useful archive function will help all experimental & LSA builder/pilots. It's pretty sparse right now, but should start filling up quickly with your questions & answers.

I'm also gathering up customers' panel & plane photos and stories for our new Customer Gallery. If you have anything you'd like to share, please send it my way!
Thanks Katie. I just tried signing up for the board and I apparently I don't know what GRT stands for and I own 2 of your EFIS' and an EIS. I thought it was Grand Rapids Technology. That wasn't the right answer to "What does GRT stand for" (the anti bot question). I tried Grand Rapids Technology, Inc. and Grand Rapids Technology inc and then got locked out.

So what does GRT stand for? I'm really curious. Thanks
GRT requires Adobe Flash... aarrggg

Katie, it appears your website requires Adobe Flash plugin.... unfortunately, Apple won't play nice in the sandbox with Adobe, so I can't access the website on my I-Pad....
Never got the e-mail

Tried to sign up. Went through the form. Was informed that an e-mail was on its way and to finish up the process by following the instructions in the e-mail.

Waited 15 minutes and no e-mail.

What now?

What screen resolution is this optimized for? This is taking up only about 1/3 of my screen.. with the other 2/3 being empty white space..
Same as Duane Wilson above. I have an Ipad3 3G and no internet on home computer. Hopefully we can use our Ipads as I will really miss participating in the discussions.
link to verify is broken

I received the email to activate my account, clicked the link and got the dreaded 404 error

Server Error in Application "GRTAVIONICS.COM"
Flash on Website

Hi All,

The Flash player is only required to see the slideshow on the Home page of the new website. It's not required for any page content, downloads or the forum. The News items on the home page have the same links as the photos featured in the slideshow, so unless Apple kills the entire page, you're just missing out on the eye candy. (UPDATE: I'm in the process of switching the slideshow to a universally-friendly Java format. Open interface!!)

White Space-- The pages are in a vertical format. If you are viewing it on a wide computer screen, you will have some white space on the edges. If you view it on a tablet, the page fills the screen quite nicely in both orientations.

Forum Link-- We have over 40 members now! That's quadruple what we had yesterday. (Thanks!) So, if you had any trouble with signing up yesterday, please try again, it should work fine. Kahuna made the question easier. Also, make sure you don't have any extra words added to the links in the email. I saw that in one forwarded activation message this morning. And check your Spam folder if you don't get the activation email.

Bookmarks--If you had our home page or Software page bookmarked, the old link may no longer work. Please enter www.grtavionics.com in your browser window and resave all bookmarks.

I've received several great pictures of GRT stuff in RV panels. Thank you, and keep them coming! :D
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Nice Job!

I like the new look!

You know, if you clean up the web site, and documentation, you are going to eliminate the ONLY complaint! Then what? :D

Seriously - really nice. I sent my picture in yesterday. I have had nothing but great experiences with GRT, including a couple of cell phone sessions from the cockpit helping me configure everything. I now have 25 hours or so behind my HX's and I really amjust scratching the surface!
I like the new look!

You know, if you clean up the web site, and documentation, you are going to eliminate the ONLY complaint! Then what? :D

Then I get to take a vacation. Oh wait, there's still marketing! :eek:

Thanks Scott!!
I just signed up ...

I'm awaiting my authorization email message. the delay may be with my local ISP ... they've had HUGE problems since last Friday.

Looking forward to good info in the Forum !!
You were so close!
T is technologies.:eek:
Your next question will be much easier:p

it was simply grand that you made it so easy! I'm registered and looking forward to participating. The timing is perfect - the holes in my panel have been cut and I am planning the wiring runs.
where are prices?

I couldn't find a menu option for pricing or purchasing anything.. I am viewing on an android tablet so maybe that is the problem?
Pricing is on there, go to Products/Online Catalog. Registration is getting better, got my confirmation email in under 2 minutes.
Hmmmmm ...

I registered before noon today and still have not received my authorization email. Further, my ISP appears to have solved their problems, because all my other email is coming in fine.
Just took a look at the new site, and I do not see a forum for my dinosaur screens :(

Are you planning on creating a forum for the old H1/WS or whatever it is currently being called?

Already did.

I tried to post a thread and it worked, so it looks like I didn't even need the authorization email. :D
Nice update!

Wow, I really like the new site. Documentation and updates are much easier. In particular, the new instructions are great.

What is the status of a new HX manual? That would really get me excited!
Wow, I really like the new site. Documentation and updates are much easier. In particular, the new instructions are great.

What is the status of a new HX manual? That would really get me excited!

Thanks Steve! Right now the main priority is finishing all the HXr manuals. I'd love to create a new user manual for both HX and Sport that shows how to use all their newer features. We'll see what happens in the coming months.

Sorry Kahuna, old habits die hard! :eek: