I love it!

Buried in all the little minute background "fixes" and minor upgrades to functions that just make the overall suite work even better are little, understated lines like:

- Added Flight Director
- Added AHRS-derived Angle of Attack (AOA)
- Added fixes and intersections
- Added airspace selection and details to MAP cursor

Think about it - for users who bought the system a few years ago, these are capability upgrades that would have (in days of old, with certified airplanes) cost tens of thousands of dollars to add to an aircraft! Yet with the EFI' we can buy for our experimentals today, we just download a free upgrade that adds immensely to the overall capability of the airplane.

Amazing days in which we live...amazing days....

Yeah, I like the understated functionality additions in the change log too. Hey, it is a change log, it should be short and sweet, void of marketing hype.
After spending quite a bit of time with the flight director, trying to give it its full due to see if I had any use for it, I have concluded that I don't. There are quite a few other fixes in the change log that are quite significant to usability and capability.
Here is one: "Added option to disable sharing dimmer changes over the display unit link". If you have two different displays (an H1 and HX) as I do, the new whiz bang HX display is way brighter than the others. However, previously there was no way to keep the dimmer settings from being shared with all displays. This actually became a real problem at night as the same dimmer setting on an H1 is way too bright on an HX.
Here is another: "Fixed multiple ARINC hardware with different data sources confusing another linked display without ARINC". I'm hoping this works. Once again, bugs introduced with compatibility of different hardware combinations as their product line grows. It is now possible and useful (as I do) to have different ARINC data flowing into different displays and shared over the inter display link. Previously, they clearly had not fully dealt with this condition as it resulted in some very interesting behavior on some of the displays.

Thanks so much to GRT for listening and acting on customer feedback in a pretty timely manner! I find it very entertaining to help debug new combinations of functionality when the feedback isn't simply flushed as is so often the case with other companies.
I Can't Wait.......

I just purchased a GRT Sport at SnF. I haven?t received it yet, but boy am I looking forward to installing it in my now steam gauge only panel. When I read through the GRT change log I was kinda spooked by the volume of fixes, but encouraged by the number of additions. Sorta made me wonder why there were so many fixes. I guess I can understand a good amount of these fixes simply due to the magnitude of functionality and the constant development. It sure is encouraging to hear the positive comments regarding GRT from existing product owners like Paul and Scott. The truth is, the positive comments you all have posted here are partly why I chose a GRT EFIS over other products.

Can't wait to start the panel upgrade!!!
I just purchased a GRT Sport at SnF. I haven?t received it yet, but boy am I looking forward to installing it in my now steam gauge only panel. When I read through the GRT change log I was kinda spooked by the volume of fixes, but encouraged by the number of additions. Sorta made me wonder why there were so many fixes. I guess I can understand a good amount of these fixes simply due to the magnitude of functionality and the constant development. It sure is encouraging to hear the positive comments regarding GRT from existing product owners like Paul and Scott. The truth is, the positive comments you all have posted here are partly why I chose a GRT EFIS over other products.

Can't wait to start the panel upgrade!!!

Maybe this view will help. Through the majority of the efis revision change log, very (Very) few items are flight critical for the primary instrumentation. I've found the core critical stuff to be very stable and have no problems flying it IFR.

You surely made a good choice. I have enjoyed my dual EFIS HWS (the original H1, the Wide Screen in Todd's words) for the past two and half years. Not only products are excellent, the service is first rate too. I am going to have HHX in the 10 I am building. If not because the layout of my panel won't accommodate two HHXs top and bottom, I would have upgraded.
and, they haven't even mentioned the thermal imager they were demo'ing at SnF. GRT doesn't need to hype their stuff because their customers are their best salesmen.
After playing with their non beta software and then here lately flying the beta software prior to the release, I can tell you GRT was most interested in any advice, opinion, recommendations in beta. The improvements made the GRT unit much more functional. Most beta testers obviously did more testing than I did. The airspace data MAP function, to me, was the most important improvement. I used is extensively on my flight through Florida and was still reporting thoughts, finds, improvements to Carlos at the GRT booth at SNF. Carlos made it a point to write down what I reported to be able to relay it the "the mothership back in MI".

I'm not going to get into rating the improvements albeit to say, it's pretty nice for you non beta testers to sit back and reap the benefits of GRT wanting to continually upgrade their units for free...........well that is with a little of the blue stuff burnt up by the testers:)

It doesn't get much better than to be able to fly, with synthetic terrain, with weather, with airspace, with the various MAP pages, with intersections, with fixes. Pretty wiz bang stuff we experimental gang get to play with.
Green Spot

Paul at what speed do you see the green spot get activated? I have just installed the AOA and never did see it come on during the approach, even though I was indicating 70kts. Yes I have calibrated it and it seem to work just after the calibration but never saw it turn on again except almost at the stall. I have it set at 1.3. Steep turns didn't seem to show anything either. Any ideas?
... the derived AOA...

can/is the derived AOA displayable full time, or does AOA symbology appear only at and above some predetermined AOA?
Tanya and I are just back from quite a tour, 3 hr. IFR training flight / me exercising all the new fixes and functionality of the released software. We made it through a whole lot of the total functionality package. Most of the small bugs that I had reported on are fixed. There are some pretty significant "behind the scenes" fixes to the ARINC interface that I'm very pleased with. Everything that worked before still works (no small feat). Good stuff.
my experience

I tried my HWS this morning and following are my screen shots:

Calibrating, a few seconds before I pushed the button. Notice my LRI on the left is showing at the lower end of the green arc. I believe that I set it around 44 kts, a little high.


Half mile final. I usually approach at 70 kts and reduce to 65 at 1/4 mile to the runway.
