This is very exciting news, I love GRT and what they have done for us. I can't wait to get more details on this new HXr
A little bigger screenshot for those who are interested. I'll await the release of the official "additional info" from Carlos or Todd at GRT - Some nice/neat stuff no doubt!

Stein, you big tease:D

Notice the 8 or 10 little boxes in the upper right corner----looks like they have all the radio stuff integrated into a single location within the EFIS.

Almost a year ago to the day from this thread.

I missed the boat a little, figured a magic box for the radio stuff, and a different magic box for the EFIS------
I have to agree Mike, I don't know if Stein made it better or worse.

But it appears you were a prophet in your previous post. Since it looks like the GRT folks "borrowed" your idea maybe they will give you a cut of the proceeds. :D

GRT at sun and fun

Just got back from sun and fun. The new hxr looks sooo good, and if you have limited panel space like me you can use a 7" droid tablet for your 2nd screen. The radios are controlled by the efis and remote located. They are made by others


I understand Todd is bringing all the new toys to our May EAA meeting here in Grand Rapids at 8D4. Can't wait!
From the GRT site, posted yesterday or today:

10.4" HXr and Android Tablet Launch at Sun 'n Fun

Sun ?n Fun 2012 has started off with a bang with the introduction of our new 10.4? HXr, integration with Android Tablet computers and cell phones, and the primary flight display of 3D navigation data recently released for the HX and in beta test for the Sport.

The 10.4? HXr, with ?r? representing ?remote? radio capability has been introduced with a remarkably low introductory price of less than $7000. This temporary pricing is targeted to put the 10.4? HXr in direct competition with the Dynon Skyview, but with significantly greater performance. Noteably, the HXr provides 8 serial ports, a higher-resolution screen (1024x768), full autopilot functionality and coupling, dedicated buttons and knob for ease of radio tuning, and Android tablet integration as a start.

The Android tablet computer integration has also had a very excited reception from Sun n? Fun attendees. Those familiar with these tablet computers are aware of their amazing processing performance, multimedia capability, touch screens, and high-brightness, high-resolution screens. These are highly engineered devices, and when coupled with any of our HX or Sport EFIS systems, provide additional display capability and a touch screen interface that is well suited to certain tasks, such as graphical editing of a flight plan, radio tuning, and full alpha-numeric entry of flight plans, and at an amazingly low cost.

The new 3D navigation data provided on the PFD screen has been a bit overwhelmed by the 10.4 HXr, and the Android integration, but it caught many customers by surprise when they noted the tethered balloon marking the waypoints, lead-in lights to the runway, and course ribbons on the primary flight display. Several customers noted the same thing that we did when used in flight?that references to the moving map, and traditional desired track and cross-track deviation indicators, are greatly reduced by the natural means of navigation this feature provides.

Top 10 Sun ?n Fun Questions:

1. Q. What is new?
Ans. See above.

2. Q. How is the 10.4? HXr different from the 6.5? and 8.4? HX, other than screen size?

Ans. The greater number of buttons and knobs was carefully utilized to allow a simple means of accommodating remote radios, transponder, and intercoms. Menu operation has been revised to take advantage of the greater number of buttons. In addition, the larger screen allows for two inset displays of engine and navigation data. The larger size also allows for simultaneous display of approach plates and a moving map.

3. Q. Why was the Android tablet computer integration included with the HXr?

Ans. Initially we were attracted to it for the touch screen. Certain data input is ideally suited to this, including flight plan editing, and radio tuning via menu selections, but immediately we saw how we could use the tablet to provide additional display functions. It is perfect for adding instrumentation to the rear seat in tandem seating airplanes, and for adding additional glass to the panel at highly attractive pricing. It also allows you to take part of your panel home with you so that you can flight plan at home, review past engine data, etc.

4. Q. Can I use the Android tablet with other GRT EFIS systems?

Ans. Yes. The Android tablet can be used with any HX or Sport model. It will use a commercially available wifi or blue tooth adapter for two way communication with the EFIS display unit.

5. Q. There is something different about your EFIS compared with the Dynon, but I can?t exactly put my finger on it. Can you explain?

Ans. The design of our EFIS incorporates certain accepted practices in aviation that are well known and appreciated by our engineers, and which are fundamental to achieving the performance we expect for our equipment. Airline and professional pilots notice that our screens display data in ways that are familiar to them. Our design avoided the introduction of single point failures, such as a single data bus for connection of redundant sources of data. Our AHRS is not dependent on pitot/static data. We avoided the use of a joystick, as these are impractical in turbulence. In short, you are sensing that we design to a performance level, and not to a price point.

6. Q. I thought GRT products were much more expensive than Dynon.

Ans. Our Sport EFIS line has always been price competitive with Dynon, and has always provided more functionality and greater quality. The introductory pricing for the 10.4? HXr is the first time we have priced the HX at Dynon price levels. While it is only an introductory price, we did this because our 10.4? HXr is our only 10.4? EFIS at this time.

7. Q. What do I do about an autopilot?

Ans. The vast majority of our customers are using our servos, and EFIS autopilot function. We still integrate with stand alone autopilots, such as Trutrak. Those who desire the additional attitude source the stand-alone autopilot represents almost always choose to go with our servos and a second AHRS instead, as the attitude data from the autopilot can not be read, cross-checked, or displayed by the EFIS as you can do with the second AHRS.

8. Q. So your autopilot is like the Dynon autopilot?

Ans. Not at all. The Dynon autopilot function is very limited, and Dynon has been very slow to develop its functionality and performance. See the autopilot comparison chart on the autopilot page of our website for all the details. Basically you can expect the GRT autopilot to fly you from just after takeoff until just before touchdown, climb, descend, couple to any nav source and include automatic capture of the approach. Dynon is basically an altitude hold and GPS only tracking autopilot with heading select, and with limited performance.

9.Q. When will the HXr be available?

Ans. Limited quantities will be available in 3 weeks. Production quantities by Mid June.

10. Q. How much will your remote communication radio cost? Remote intercom system?

Ans. Our remote communication radio is $1000 and is made by PS engineering, as is our remote intercom. Pricing the intercom is not firm yet, but will be similar to a panel mount audio panel. As always, we are also compatible with the SL-40 and SL-30 also.
One of the nicer features of this system is that you can use a touch screen wifi connected android tablet to enter flight plans, tune remote radios and transponder etc
While I do appreciate a nice unit, I do not appreciate a manufacturer that knowingly shores up their position in the market based on false information. No reason GRT should have to do this so for me this is a deal breaker.

Trying to take advantage of those that do not do do their own homework by providing a comparison that is full of false info biased toward GRT is just wrong...

Scratch GRT off my list of future possibilities next year when I redo my panel.
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Trying to take advantage of those that do not do do their own homework by providing a comparison that is full of false info biased toward GRT is just wrong...

Scratch GRT off my list of future possibilities next year when I redo my panel.[/QUOTE]

Don't know what you are referring to but their 10.4 inch screen with engine sensors and AHRS is currently about $7K. This in my opinion is by far the best value right now. It's what a Dynon single screen system would cost as I have been pricing the Dynon systems. But it has all the capabilities of their HX systems along with WIFI which allows one to enter information with a $400 Android tablet and use the tablet as a second screen. I am imagining a tablet on my center console that I use to enter information with.

I have talked to GRT several times over the years and never found them to be dishonest. In fact I have never heard anything negative about GRT. I hadn't considered them before mainly because they were a bit more than I wanted to spend and I was leaning towards either Dynon or Garmin but with their introductory price it's hard to pass up.
Has nothing to do with price. It is all about the false info they are using to compare their systems in the Sun N Fun FAQ posted above and the comparison sheet on their website. They are misleading people on purpose and they know it. I would expect this in a lot of markets but I thought GRT was better than that. Guess I was wrong.

Just an opinion and it ain't worth much...
Has nothing to do with price. It is all about the false info they are using to compare their systems in the Sun N Fun FAQ posted above and the comparison sheet on their website. They are misleading people on purpose and they know it. I would expect this in a lot of markets but I thought GRT was better than that. Guess I was wrong.

Just an opinion and it ain't worth much...

Perhaps you can add your comment to each of their answers where you think they are misleading or providing false info.

While I understand it is your propagative not to consider GRT, but I would not base my decision solely based on one marketing comment which may or may not be fully accurate.
More GRT HXr from Kitplanes:


The most exiting news for me is the Android app will be backwards compatible with the Horizon and Sport EFIS's. Basically a $300 extra EFIS display:

There is no charge for standard Android interface and app. The Android phone or tablet must be purchased separately.

This makes me 100% confident in the decision I made to go with the dual GRT Sport EFIS's I installed in my RV-7 3+ years ago. I fully believe if I decided to go with any other EFIS vendor at the time, I would be planning on replacing my panel. Kudos to GRT for not forcing their customers to dispose of their older equipment to keep up with new features.
The most exiting news for me is the Android app will be backwards compatible with the Horizon and Sport EFIS's. Basically a $300 extra EFIS display.

I don't think thats right. Carlos indicated to me that the Android only works with the new 10.4 HXr.

This makes me 100% confident in the decision I made to go with the dual GRT Sport EFIS's I installed in my RV-7 3+ years ago. I fully believe if I decided to go with any other EFIS vendor at the time, I would be planning on replacing my panel. Kudos to GRT for not forcing their customers to dispose of their older equipment to keep up with new features.[/QUOTE]
my understanding

I understood that there will be a third party USB wireless box to purchase and connect via USB to an HX to get this capability. GRT has not decided which third party USB device to support yet. Say tuned.
I don't think thats right. Carlos indicated to me that the Android only works with the new 10.4 HXr.

According to the GRT fun fact sheet on the HXr:

4. Q. Can I use the Android tablet with other GRT EFIS systems?

Ans. Yes. The Android tablet can be used with any HX or Sport model. It will use a commercially available wifi or blue tooth adapter for two way communication with the EFIS display unit.
my understanding is that with HXr it will be a two way communication, with the ability to make changes (like the radio freq) from the Android but with HX/Sport, it will be a one way communication only.
Wow. That seems to be an amazing set of new features and capabilities. Integration with a tablet is such a great feature. I hope other EFIS makers follow suit or even open up some development. Imagine a set of ipad or android apps to integrate with an EFIS using all the advantages of the app market! Imagine the possibilities!
I'm wondering what tablet will be used. Will the tablet be able to handle temperature extremes and vibration in the cockpit? I'm concerned that a panel mounted tablet might have a hard time with our Phoenix summers. :eek:
Has anyone had any success ordering an HXr from GRT since after Sun N Fun? I've been calling at least every other day during business hours, left voice mails, and sent an email, to no avail. Wondering if they are still out of the office or extremely busy catching up since after SnF?
Has anyone had any success ordering an HXr from GRT since after Sun N Fun? I've been calling at least every other day during business hours, left voice mails, and sent an email, to no avail. Wondering if they are still out of the office or extremely busy catching up since after SnF?

Sandy is out on vacation and they are short handed with the phone. Try to reach the EIFS group by selecting number3 at the greetings.
They got caught off guard ..

Sandy is out on vacation and they are short handed with the phone. Try to reach the EIFS group by selecting number3 at the greetings.

According to Greg.

Far more response to the new announcements than expected.

And with Sandy being away the fellows are *swamped*!

When she returns next week, they will appreciate her even more. :) :)


Sounds like they need to extend the deadline for the introductory price!

Just a thought. shipping.

The GRT 10.4 HXr is now shipping. We are working through the backlog from Sun n Fun and will likely be caught up by July; just in time for AirVenture Oshkosh.

If you would like to see the HXr in action come by our office or see us at AirVenture.

The GRT Avionics 10.4 HXr...Where Simplicity and Capability meet.

Best regards,

Carlos Fernandez
GRT Avionics
Shoot, if I could fit this into my panel, I would certainly do that.

Does this work with the existing AHAR/wiring or do you need a whole new AHAR/mag as well?

On the back of the brochure, I see a reference to a remote mounted approach certified GPS?????? What is that all about?
Shoot, if I could fit this into my panel, I would certainly do that.

Does this work with the existing AHAR/wiring or do you need a whole new AHAR/mag as well?
Yes, it works with existing AHRS/wiring.


On the back of the brochure, I see a reference to a remote mounted approach certified GPS?????? What is that all about?
More details to come.


Carlos Fernandez
GRT Avionics
compatible with dynon ems sensors?

... any of you smart fellas know if you can use dynon ems sensors to display on GRT EFIS screens? GRT support says it will IF the dynon sensors output data stream is the same as GRT's EIS data.
None of Dynon's sensors output any data stream and neither does GRT's.

The EIS outputs a data stream that the EFIS can understand. Dynon's EMS outputs a data stream. I have no idea if they are the same or not, seems like at one time they were but I have no idea now if they are or not.