Liked the video. I think that would actually be a great way to critique your own landings! Any pics of the mount?
Great idea for location

How is your wifi connection? I lose mine from under the wing. Also, any exhaust residue?
Have yet to watch the video...on my iPad...

Thanks for the YouTube. I'm interested in adding a camera to the nose fairing of my ten ... that would be a good way of monitoring my skills!
Thanks for the kind words

Gil it was edited with Final Cut Pro, but I'm in the process of switching over to Adobe Premier

Andy Don't have any pictures of the mount, sorry. I used the pole mount kit purchased at Best Buy and attached it to the tail spring.

Bruce The wifi connection isn't the greatest but I'm able to start and stop the camera from the cockpit. I only have a problem with exhaust residue when doing maneuvers that are less than 1G.