
Active Member
Please take a look at the attached layout and see if you guys have any advice for me. I am going from the steam gauge to the GRT Mini EFIS and replacing a few items. Any suggestions would be helpful.



I sort of prefer the asymmetry of your original panel. Do you really need to retain all of the 6-pack gauges?

The wood veneer is a nice touch! :):)
We must have opposite tastes. I dislike the wood vernier and the asymmetry. It is not very efficient in the instrument layout. There is too much wasted space at the top, 6 pack is no longer intact, I am leaving the vsi out and replacing it with the tach. On the right I will have engine operating gauges (oil temp, oil pressure, egt /cht, ammeter ) to the left of the 6 pack will be fuel left/right, pressure, Whiskey compass. Right now all that is at the bottom which is not intuitive. Getting the gauges towards the top of the panel increases space efficiency from my perspective.
You are correct, there is not enough room for the radio between the brace, it is too long. There is however enough space for the transponder, which is why it is on top.
Do what you like, of course. To my eye, it looks rather crowded up top and a little lonely on the bottom. :):) I certainly understand the desire to get a lot of instrumentation up high.
I could have mentioned that I am 6'3, so it is much easier to see gauges closer to my sight line. The bottom gauges are difficult to read. Currently the parallax error on the tach over on the right hand side is over 50rpm for me if I don't lean way over and look head on.
nice panel

However you place them.... I think it is smart to put a mini up there front and center. They are under a grand at Spruce...
Maybe a second one... wired to battery backup.
I have one on the left... and about to add a second on my wife's side.
The mini does everything you need... unless driving a servo.
I like the radios and intercom to be on the left near the throttle. Makes it easy and quick to switch freqs. and adjust volumes and squelch without changing hands. I like the manifold pressure and tach to be together with the MP(throttle) on the left and tach(prop) on the right to correspond with the levers. I like the oil and fuel pressure gauges to be just below the MP and Tach. Those are the four to watch on take off. They're the ones that change instantly when **** gets real! The temps can go all together somewhere else as they change slowly. I also like the fuel boost switch on the back of the throttle quadrant housing so that everything fuel related is in one place; throttle, mix, boost, and quanity gauges. Sucks having to search for the boost pump in a row of switches! I like to be able to grab switches and levers without having to look for them. It really helps when flying formation or if you loose power or something goes wrong on take off. It may not look as good as symetry but its an airplane and not an SUV. Just my two cents.
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One thing to consider-- if you are going to buy a Mode S extended-squitter transponder for ADS-B, you can buy a remote-mount Trig TT22 and control it through the Mini.

Also, an EIS would eliminate all those round engine dials. :)