Very interesting - a bit of a schism between Vans and Dynon?

"It has Garmin?s usual excellent user interface".

I have several Garmin devices - I don't like them and wouldn't put them in my airplane. I also have their top of the line in my truck and don't like it there either.

I know, I know - I am in the minority. I also don't have an iPad. YMMV.

It is curious that Vans would go with another vendor when Dynon has started producing a very integrated unit for Skyview. Yes - I know, Dynon is having a lot of problems birthing their new radio. Still......

I will say this - the Skyview Firmware 6.0 that integrates various radios - theirs and others - including the Garmin SL40 - is a HUGE new functionality. I use it constantly and truly love it.

From an E-LSA perspective, I don't view this as a positive. To build "according to Plan" means this is the new standard. It would encourage me to become an E-AB builder for sure.

Bob Bogash
Why Bob? I'm happy with the SL40 and would be with this new radio. I'm not real happy with the cheap intercom the -12 comes with, no loss there maybe. I would prefer the eventual Dynon radio but this would not be a deal killer or force EAB (40 hour fly off vs 5 is a BIG DEAL!!) The Dynon radio does have that control head but it would fit in the center panel and still leave room for a right-side Skyview. The new Dynon radio tuning functionality is GREAT and really reduces the additional value of the Dynon-brand radio in the -12. (And, love my auto Garmin Nuvi!)
I assume the new radio will fit the old panel? I was thinking about taking mine in for powder coat but will probably wait now to be sure.
See the pic of the installation in New Blue from the link. Note that the intercom is gone. You might want to order the replacement left panel without that intercom hole, if you have one with the intercom hole. It looks like they covered the hole with that big n-number sticker. Depending on the vintage of your earlier kit, you might not have the intercom hole there - it might be on your right hand panel. I ordered the right hand panel without the intercom hole and cut the hole next to the ELT control. That is how the prototype dual-screen Skyview system was setup so Vans does have whichever parts you want. So it was still ELSA if you are worried...
I really like the new Garmin radio. Not only does it have numbers more to my aged eyes liking and the intercom, you may have noticed it has an output of 10 watts compared to our current 7 watts.
I missed receiving this new radio, by a few days. Barbara at Van's emailed me yesterday that my avionics had just shipped, and would arrive early next week. Darn it. Had I waited only two-three days to send my massive avionics payment, I would have received the latest version! :(
I assume the new radio will fit the old panel? I was thinking about taking mine in for powder coat but will probably wait now to be sure.

The SL-40 is reported to be 1.3" tall in their published specs.

It was posted in the GTR200 announcement thread that the new radio is 1.35" tall... so 0.05" taller.

Don't know however, if that's the height measured of the mounting tray, or the plastic front bezel of the radios.
Hi folks - see this post in the main GTR 200 discussion thread for an SL 40 / GTR 200 size and weight comparison.

- Matt
Why Bob? I'm happy with the SL40 and would be with this new radio. I'm not real happy with the cheap intercom the -12 comes with, no loss there maybe.

I agree with you, Bill. I'm happy with the SL-40 - at least after SV 6.0 took over control of the radio. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like that feature! Did I say I REALLY like that feature?

Since I have it, and it works, I'm not going anywhere with my ship - radio-wise. So, this is sort of moot for me (and you.)

I agree with you also about the Intercom. The SL40 has an Intercom capability and I'm not sure why Vans chose not to use it. I left my Intercom and ELT controls on the RH panel with the glovebox, so I didn't have to do a lot of rework..

The problem with Vans spec'ing this new Garmin is it sort of locks you into Vans ideas for radios. You could switch after the fly-off period, but then you've got a lot invested in an almost new radio that has now become "Used." I don't think the radio should really be part of the ASTM Light Sport Specification, nor does it affect the basic airworthiness of the airplane.

If I had my druthers, I'd prefer Vans avionics order form offered you a radio choice of A-B-C, like the menu in a Chinese restaurant. Then you could go Garmin or Dynon or even something else.

Personally, I would have preferred not to have purchased the SL-40 - I wanted an SL-30 Nav/Comm instead. The SV accepts the inputs from the SL-30.

In general, mixing and matching avionics vendors often has sub-optimal results, and when there's a problem, usually results in a lot of finger-pointing. The existing lashup has four players Dynon, Garmin, FlightCom, and Vans. Going with the new Dynon radio would have minimized that effect.

Actually, I'm not really sure why Vans chose to be the middle-man (via their 50000A Control Box) in this daisy chain. The SL-40 can be hooked up directly to Skyview without ever passing through the Control Box. This problem manifested itself recently when SV 6.0 came out and added the radio control - but there were missing Vans wires if you recall. SV control of the Garmin could have been a direct one-to-one hookup.

Bob Bogash
Hi folks - see this post in the main GTR 200 discussion thread for an SL 40 / GTR 200 size and weight comparison.

- Matt

Sounds like us in process builders might need a new ctr (the slot might be too small?) and left panel unless I want to cover the intercom hole? Will wait for the final word prior to powder coating what I have.

I know there were some complaints about the existing intercom and transmitting...does the built in one fix those problems?

Also, it looks like this change might knock some $$$ or so off the avionics kit.

All pluses in my book if so.
The SL40 has an Intercom capability and I'm not sure why Vans chose not to use it.
Others that have used this function have not been happy with it. It for the most part uses the side tone amp in the radio for an intercom. That has been available on many radios for the past 40 years. It never works very well.

The problem with Vans spec'ing this new Garmin is it sort of locks you into Vans ideas for radios. You could switch after the fly-off period, but then you've got a lot invested in an almost new radio that has now become "Used."

This is nothing new with this radio. This has been spelled out in detail to E-LSA RV-12 customers from the very first kit sold. Customers that don't like it have other options if they choose to certify E-AB.

Actually, I'm not really sure why Vans chose to be the middle-man (via their 50000A Control Box) in this daisy chain.

This has previously been explained in great detail, in other threads here in the forum.
I know there were some complaints about the existing intercom and transmitting...does the built in one fix those problems?

I am not aware of any complaints about the Flightcom intercom having an effect on radio transmitting... mostly just intercom vox and music quality.
I have flown with the GTR200 and can say I am pleased with the sound quality of the com radio and the internal intercom.

Not that I'm planning to, but will Vans be releasing an upgrade kit for those who might want to do so?
Not that I'm planning to, but will Vans be releasing an upgrade kit for those who might want to do so?

I am not aware of any plans too, but you could purchase the parts by part # to make the switch.

It would require the radio and one pre-made harness (replaces the radio and intercom harnesses that would be removed).

Mitch just did it to the blue demo airplane, maybe he would comment on the work involved.
Agree with Bob

I would prefer the SL-30 as well. Either that or something from Dynon which would do the same things. Maybe these ideas will become reality, who knows. I can not come up with a good guess as to why Van's chose to go with Garmin at this time. I'm sure that we will find out however. Scott?
I am not aware of any complaints about the Flightcom intercom having an effect on radio transmitting... mostly just intercom vox and music quality.
I have flown with the GTR200 and can say I am pleased with the sound quality of the com radio and the internal intercom.

Good to hear. Any info for us who have the fuse kits in process regarding the panel slots being too small for the new radio?
I would prefer the SL-30 as well. Either that or something from Dynon which would do the same things. Maybe these ideas will become reality, who knows. I can not come up with a good guess as to why Van's chose to go with Garmin at this time. I'm sure that we will find out however. Scott?

Great question! I just wish Barbara would have clued me in when I spoke to her on Monday of this week (surely she would have known that a change was coming in 3-4 days?) I'd like to have been given the option.

There MUST be a reason for Van's to make a change. I'd guess it's not like a Garmin rep just walked in there and sold everyone on the change- and that was that?!
I suppose it sold itself. More power, lighter, good intercom, priced right, "why not" was probably the only question.
SkyView 6.0 and GTR200

After a quick perusal of the GTR200 install and operators manuals, it appears to me the SkyView with 6.0 firmware should be able to push radio frequencies to the GTR200 ... because the GTR200 manual states the serial port interface supports legacy SL30 & SL40 compatible NMEA commands.

If that were indeed the case, one would assume the current SkyView 6.0 configuration settings that work with the SL40 should also successfully drive the GTR200.

Perhaps the Garmin support team or others more knowledgeable than myself can comment on this ? the devil is always in the details.
I'm not real happy with the cheap intercom the -12 comes with...
This! Second one of these I've had - I had hoped a new one would be better (years newer than the one that was in the RV-6) but I have the same irritating hissing sounds I had in the old one.