
I spoke to a retailer today asking about a new Garmin 596 being unveiled at Oshkosh. He said that even though all the other models have been discounted- NO NEW Garmin handheld is being released this year.
He said that Garmin is working on a new model, but is won't be of the same form factor as the previouse models. Perhaps tablet form like the Lowrance???

If anyone has information contrary to this, I'd be interested in hearing it. Especially from those of you at Oshkosh.

One thought that I had for the Garmin price reductions, in the absence of a 596; was that Garmin was expecting others (Lowrance, AVMap) to announce weather at Oshkosh, and Garmin wanted to try to take some of the sales away from them.

Guess we'll have to see if any new weather capable units show up.
I think that is a great theory.

The retailer I spoke to thought the price reduction may have been due to a backlog of stock that wasn't moving fast enough and may have been initially priced too high. But your theory seems more plausible.
