
Just loaded the G3X software update (9.31) and the comm window has changed. All of my documentation and prior versions of the software have a box with the active frequency next to a box with the standby. After installing this version, there is a box that says Audio, and a box with both the active and standby frequencies stacked. Now, swapping frequencies requires touching that box, and then the XFER box on the window that pops up. Did I inadvertently change something? What took 1 touch before now takes 2. Anyone else run into this?
V9.21 change.

"Added Minimized Option for COM Radio Controls - This allows COM radio remote controls to be condensed into a single databar field, providing more space on the display for data fields or other remote LRU controls. See Screenshot above."

Read this.

And this.

And this.
Found it

Thanks for the pointer. I didn't find it in the Pilot's guide, but one of the earlier posts referenced a new installation manual so I looked there. Finally found out two things: 1. Minimize is the default, so if you upgrade software and do nothing else, that's what you get. 2. To go back to normal, you need to bring it up in Configuration Mode and go to the Display configuration. Then if you scroll down far enough you'll find the Comm settings and can change it there. Back to one touch.:)