
I'm New Here
Marathon Petro has a "recreational" fuel that is available in some locations, particularly marinas. It is No-Lead, 89-91 oct, and no alchohol. I hear some airports in Wisconsin are also dispensing it. I checked in the Tampa Bay area and 2 marinas have it for around $3.50 or so a gallon. Other Oil companies may also have the same thing.

Bob S.
Alternate Fuel

That's interesting. The max octane you can get (outside of 100LL) at this altitude in Colorado is 91 I recall correctly? The actane ratings are varied in different parts of country based on altitude? Someone more knowledgeable than I can perhaps enlighten those of us who are 'unwashed.'
That's interesting. The max octane you can get (outside of 100LL) at this altitude in Colorado is 91 I recall correctly? The actane ratings are varied in different parts of country based on altitude? Someone more knowledgeable than I can perhaps enlighten those of us who are 'unwashed.'

Yes, they do vary octane with altitude. Lower air pressure means a less dense charge and lower pressure on the compression stroke, so they can drop the octane without creating the risk of preignition.

I've seen what? 85 octane in higher-up areas - Colorado and such, wheras at my elevation (1,000'), I've never seen less than 87.