Michael Henning

Well Known Member
Is it a safe time to do the ADSB upgrades? Or should we wait to see what comes out six months from now?
I?m thinking about the Trig Adsb package along with an MGL panel/radio.
With a year remaining until the deadline, I wouldn't drag my feet on doing the upgrade. As always, the technology will improve and the cost will come down, but most likely there will not be any cheap revolutionary solutions in the next year. If you are planning on having an avionics shop complete the upgrade, they will certainly be swamped as the deadline approaches. Many will choose the minimum (cheapest) solution, that being a simple ADS-B OUT requirement. The real benefit of the system can only be appreciated by doing a full "IN" upgrade. Of course, as always, the checkbook makes the final decision. My advice would be to get the most bang for your buck now and be done with it.
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Don't give up the beauty of having traffic and weather. Enjoy it now.

I second (or third) the recommendation for adsb-in. Make sure everything works together. e.g., if going for an MGL display what adsb-in sources does it support? Also, will it supply the Trig with altitude data (I presume yes). For example:
I have a GRT HX. It can remotely control a TT22 (save panel space). I use a Garmin 420W as a position source, but could use either the Trig or GRT gps if I didn?t already have the 420W. I use a (bought factory reconditioned) Skyradar D2 for ADSB-in, which both the GRT HX, and my iPad, can read and display. Before pulling the trigger on the MGL, think of the whole package of what you want.
Note: make sure you get the TT22, not the TT21. The 21 doesn?t meet the specs for adsb here in the US.
Hi Bob,
I am looking at the iEFIS Lite (8.5?), RDAC, compass module, Trig TT22 adsb transponder w/WAAS gps source, pathfinder adsb in. All components speak to each other. More than likely, I will be incorporating the V16 radio w/Vega head.
Thanks for input, and merry Christmas to all.

My old Terra transponder bit the dust so I just decided if I need a new transponder anyways, might as well get one with ADSB out. So I got the Stratus ESG.

Wow!! Now I get all the Fis-B traffic. After seeing the difference, I can say that I would have upgraded just for the full traffic picture even if there was no mandatory 2020 deadline.

On another note. I think it is sad the FAA (which is supposed to be so concerned with safety) restricts the traffic we see unless we have ADSB in.
If you have an E-AB aircraft and can install the equipment yourself, you could wait a while, but don't expect the cost to go down. If you have a certificated (Standard Category) aircraft, I would schedule it now. The avionics shops in the Minneapolis area are booked into next spring.
Hi Bob,
I am looking at the iEFIS Lite (8.5?), RDAC, compass module, Trig TT22 adsb transponder w/WAAS gps source, pathfinder adsb in. All components speak to each other. More than likely, I will be incorporating the V16 radio w/Vega head.
Thanks for input, and merry Christmas to all.

Just a heads-up... the Pathfinder ADSB receiver is single frequency (978 UAT) only. There are real advantages to going with a dual-frequency ADSB-In solution.
On another note. I think it is sad the FAA (which is supposed to be so concerned with safety) restricts the traffic we see unless we have ADSB in.

Did you mean ?out??
Where did you get the idea safety was involved? Remember adsb-in is not required, and wasn?t even in the original proposal. ADSB is about long term cost savings for the FAA, by eliminating ground controllers and radar.
I really enjoy having my ADSB-in via my homebuilt Stratux box. I built one for my Midget Mustang and hardwired it to power and an external antenna. I use an iFly GPS for the display.

I built a second, portable Stratux box for my RV-3. I display the ADSB output on my iPhone with Foreflight installed.

I love being able to see at least some of the traffic as well as TFRs and weather for my destination airport as well as other airports along the way.

As for when to upgrade, I?ll install it all myself, so I plan to be a late adopter. My Midget Mustang is for sale, so I?m hoping it becomes the next guy?s issue. I made the mistake of installing a Trig 21 transponder so the upgrade path will be circuitous.

I was planning on an entirely new Garmin panel for the RV-3 this winter, but it?s looking like that?ll have to wait until next off-season. I?ll see what Garmin comes up with by this time next year.

With either plane, it wouldn?t be the end of the world if I had to simply avoid ADSB airspace for a few months if I miss the compliance deadline.

Just my rambling thoughts on the matter!
Is it a safe time to do the ADSB upgrades? Or should we wait to see what comes out six months from now?
I?m thinking about the Trig Adsb package along with an MGL panel/radio.

My guess is that most of the players have entered the field. The real window for volume sales of ADS-B products was 2018 - early 2020. So, "everyone" who wanted to play in the market has already introduced whatever products they are going to introduce in order to take advantage of the temporary spike in demand. I just don't see any smart player rolling out a game changer is 2019.

So, if it is time to do the upgrade, I say go ahead. I don't think you're going to miss anything.
I’ve wasted as much money on this adsb debacle as anyone as I was tricked into the navworx. I agree with others, pick the system you want and go with it now. Might as well get a system that qualifies and get the $500 rebate. From now on, any of my aircraft will only have Garmin.