
Well Known Member
I'm planning a new 0-320 engine purchase from Vans for my fixed pitch -3. Any words of wisdom on buying from Vans/Lycoming? Thoughts on the break-in period? (I know that's a big topic, but thought I'd start here).

thanks in advance!

1150 RV3 hours (another one tomorrow!)
Here is some info that may be helpful. A new engine from the factory would have been run-in already.

Run-In vs Break-In:

Ref: https://www.continental.aero/xPublications/xService Bulletins/Experimental PMA/SIL012/

Engine overhaul shops (and new engine manufacturers) typically run-in all engines for a period of one to two hours prior to release for installation in the airframe. However, run-in was never intended to be a complete break-in. The objective of the run-in is to:

1. Verify the engine meets rated power specification

2. Correct any oil, fuel, or induction leaks

3. Check and adjust engine fuel system

4. Check and adjust engine oil pressure

After run-in, the engine is released to the installer who provides the airframe, baffling, fuel settings, and all aircraft interface considerations. Break-in is not complete until the engine oil consumption has stabilized and many hours of operation have elapsed."​
Mahlon (Russell) has published engine Run-In and Break-In instructions in various places on the 'net, including VAF. Here is one:

And Mike Busch's presentation on engine Break-In:

And article:​

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I purchased my engine/prop combination from Van's during a Sun-N-Fun special that provided a substantial savings. You might check it out.