
Well Known Member
Thought I would show the group a picture of my engine.


You guessed it.......my engine $$$$$$$$$$ bought the wife, children, grand children, neighbors, and RV'ers passing through SGU a pool. But They don't know it, but I have a plan to get that engine ordered up by end of next week......Stay tuned! I am assuming that you care?????????

Frank @ SGU RV7A "NDY"

Good move Frank,
As they say down South, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"

Enjoy, since you now have leverage :D
You'll need the pool to cool off in once you start the cowl and baffeling and other assorted "fun" tasks. :D

pierre smith said:
Good move Frank,
As they say down South, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!"

Enjoy, since you now have leverage :D

What leverage? In my house it is a 2:1 ratio. And the ratio is not in my favor.
You're the first one I've seen that is showing the true cost of their RV. Building the plane is only a fraction of the money and effort, the rest of it is spent keeping the family happy. I'm sure a couple of people could show pictures of diamonds or something along those lines that needed to be figured into their building costs, We do whatever it takes. Good luck
Ain't that the truth! In order to complete my RV-6A, I had to buy my other half a new house! This will definitely knock me out of the lowest cost RV contest because it was severaly hundred thousand more than the first home we had lived in for 15 years ( and were two years away from paying off the mortgage). My only concession was that since it was being built, I had the garage extended so the entire airplane could be assembled in it :)
Must be SGU

Frank, Here is a picture of my 7A on final. I feel your pain :D and I'm sure we're both out of the cheapest RV contest!!!!!

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When I was building my 9, I was able to convince my wife that the 30th wedding anniversary is traditionally recognized as "the Lycoming Engine Anniversary". I believe the 35th is generally celebrated as either the Garmin 496 or the Grand Rapids EFIS anniversary. Someone else may want to clarify this for my bride.
AntiGravity said:
Perhaps not in the same league, but I owe my wife a new lounge suite. Due to lack of space I put my wings in the lounge. With the wings in there, I didn't have enough space to put back both the arm chairs. A short discussion with my chainsaw ensued and I replaced the surviving arm chair. When she arrived back home from work she took it quite well actually :D


What a man won't do to give his behind a ride :D

Oh man, is this what I have to look forward to?

-Married and just started on empennage.
AntiGravity said:
Perhaps not in the same league, but I owe my wife a new lounge suite. Due to lack of space I put my wings in the lounge. With the wings in there, I didn't have enough space to put back both the arm chairs. A short discussion with my chainsaw ensued and I replaced the surviving arm chair. When she arrived back home from work she took it quite well actually :D
She does realize those wings will be in there for seven years, right?

I (half) jokingly used to relate that I puchased my RV-4 wing kit many times. Once in the form of a piano, once as a new dining room set, once as a new bedroom set....you get the idea. Never as an actual wing kit though. Finally gave up.
About ten years later I got AIDS, Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome (not really aviation induced). Now I have a crappy couch, but I also have an airplane project and a new TMX-360. I can live with that...
She has a loooong wait!

I'm not sure sure she's really grasped the length of time involved, so SSSHHHHHH ;) Of course, she's hankering for a new laptop now and I"m not really in a position to say no am I :( . I find these days I can justify almost any amount of money for anything related to the RV, but have a hard time spending even thirty bucks on anything else!!
fstringham7a said:
You guessed it.......my engine $$$$$$$$$$ bought the wife, children, grand children, neighbors, and RV'ers passing through SGU a pool.
LOL! Great post.

When we moved into our newly completely house last year, my neighbor and friend asked "Are you going to put in a pool?" My response was simply, "Why would I do that when you already have one." ;)
AntiGravity said:
I'm not sure sure she's really grasped the length of time involved, so SSSHHHHHH ;) Of course, she's hankering for a new laptop now and I"m not really in a position to say no am I :( . I find these days I can justify almost any amount of money for anything related to the RV, but have a hard time spending even thirty bucks on anything else!!

So true, it's like you're talking about me and my wife! :)
Hang on a minute

My tractor would have had that hole dug in a morning (in fact the lovely Marci would have run the tractor)...So how much can a fiberglass tub be these days?

You see if you guys had your Wife trained like I do...I.e we built our own house...No I mean WE built it...not some contractor...then she would consider NOT doing ourselves.

Much cheaper that way...:)

Frank 7a
frankh said:
My tractor would have had that hole dug in a morning (in fact the lovely Marci would have run the tractor)...So how much can a fiberglass tub be these days?

You see if you guys had your Wife trained like I do...I.e we built our own house...No I mean WE built it...not some contractor...then she would consider NOT doing ourselves.

Much cheaper that way...:)

Frank 7a


Where were you guys when I needed ya!!!!! Especially Marci and that tractor skill. ;) I can tell you that the cost of this plastic tub is right at the cost of my ECI IO360/Vans FWF/Whrilwind prop cost. I find I amazing :confused:

I can also tell you that putting in a pool isn't much more difficult than putting in a tub .............. :eek: If I knew then what I know now I would have done it myself and saved a bunch of bucks :mad: Live and learn??? :eek:

Back to the 100 degree garage and the panel which has been real fun to work on. Advanced Stack has made it a real easy process. :D

Frank2 @ sgu RV7A "NDY"
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