
Well Known Member
Saw these guys at Osh, and had never heard of them before.

They have a full suite of stand alone instruments, plus an EFIS and EMS. I was impressed, and prices look pretty good too. They are out of the Czech Republic. They seem to have a fair amount of history there (just new to NA).

Was wondering if anyone had any experience with them?

You can see their website here... TL elektronic
I have no experience with them, but looked at their stuff for quite awhile at OSH. All in all I was very impressed. I'm surprised we haven't heard or seen more about them. The low costs they were touting seemed almost too good to be true. My reaction was like yours (apparently) ..."looks really good, but darned if I'll be the first on my block to try 'em out." :)

Mahomet, IL
RV9A QB fuse
I was not impressed. Just another vendor displaying vaporware. I guess it's just me but I was overwhelmed with the amount of venders there that were displaying products that were just an idea or a mock up. This company's EFIS is not in production and they could not pinpoint when it would be. I asked where service would be done if needed and guess what? CZ!
I really hate getting excited about something I see at these shows only to find out it will be months before I can order them.
jeff beckley said:
I was not impressed. Just another vendor displaying vaporware. I guess it's just me but I was overwhelmed with the amount of venders there that were displaying products that were just an idea or a mock up. This company's EFIS is not in production and they could not pinpoint when it would be. I asked where service would be done if needed and guess what? CZ!
I really hate getting excited about something I see at these shows only to find out it will be months before I can order them.

That is so true, Jeff. I have been VERY frustrated with even some of the well known vendors (that are active on this forum) lately. I just keep waiting and waiting, but when are we as a community going to take a stand on this nonsense? I think we are enabling this behavior. It is all about expectation management. If a vendor says an item is shipping, then it better well ship within a reasonable timeframe. I understand we are dealing with small time shops in many cases and everybody's got to start somewhere, but that can only be used as a crutch for so long. Sooner or later (sooner rather than later), I am gonna take my money and go home.

Sorry for the rant!

I think their stuff looks pretty decent, too. I'm in the market so I'll be keeping an eye on them (along with Aveo and MGL). Early adopters don't always get the short end of the stick, btw (if you're VFR, that is) may get the latest and greatest technology and for a really low price. ;)
AVEO is one that I was talking about. "don't push the buttons, they don't work"
WTF? a static display of a product that you will gladly sell me today?
What has happened to the aviation electronics business?
Just how long would the auto makers be in business if you were to go in to a dealer and some sales person says "Ya, I'll sell you this car today but it won't be out until next year." I can't wait until the automakers start advertising for 2010 models three years early. Auugg!!!