Dynon D30 for Experimental Aircraft

At the time of writing Dynon is primarily marketing this as replacement of the D10 to satisfy the standby EFIS requirement for their certified panel installs.

There is a non-PMA version available, but Dynon has informed us that the supply will be limited on these for the time being.
*D30 not FAA approved for standalone use. See additional information below for details.

This is typical of the STCs that have been previously issued for type-certified aircraft, e.g., PMA/TSO’d TC, DG, altimeter, ASI must be retained. Or, in other words, enough back up instruments available to fly in IMC following a complete efis failure. This rule does not apply to EAB aircraft although IMHO wise pilots will follow it.
Well this is both encouraging and disappointing in one package.

I've been a strong advocate for a number of years for an alternative to the D10A. I cite the GRT Avionics Mini-X as the level of features/functionality that Dynon needs to replicate.

The D30 comes up well short in terms of features.

Clearly Dynon's focus is on the Certified world. While I had great hopes they would continue to invest product development resources in the Experimental world, the way the D30 is being introduced causes me tremendous disappointment. The community that built Dynon, the Experimental community is, I believe, being left behind in favor of the higher profit margins of the certified world.
In agreement. Dynon shifted its audience. While Garmin keeps adding new features every year to the G3X (which was a response to Dynon's presence in the experimental world), Dynon hasn't been able to release anything new in its software. In the past 2 years, Garmin introduced Safe Glide and several updates. What was the main update from Dynon in the same period? Slingshot (which is way slow) via Seattle Avionics EFIS. It says a lot.