
Well Known Member
Dynon D3 PIREP
I am participating in the early release of the Pocket Panel D3 with synthetic vision.
I have had my eye on the D1 and D2 as they have come out. My complete Dynon Skyview Touch system is VFR and only single screen, no redundant instruments other than ForeFlight running on my phone (and IPad in the back seat) I have never had s single glitch, the time may come...
As I have an experimental and can install it more permanently I screwed the mounting clip flat to my RV-8 panel. The Pocket Panel comes with a suction cup and a empty round hole mount abiding by certified rules of no tool temporarily installation.
Once mounted calibration was easy to match the panel system. Since I elected to place the unit under the aluminum glare shield I also used the included wired remote GPS antenna, and a power wire to one of the bird’s USB power supply.
When you power up your main the D-3 powers up to the “Term Agreement” page. I do wish you only had to do this once, but it is every time it is powered up. Other than that it runs with no other input.
The built in battery stays charged and ready in case of a ship power fail.
To save reading any more here than you have to, let me tell you the unit works just as advertised.
The biggest new feature, other than the new low price is the synthetic vision, SV. So today with clear crisp skies I headed to Mt Hood. I wanted to know more about the range of vision of the SV I set the Dynon AP direct to the mountain and watched the two screens in comparison. Also I have my ForeFlight running but don’t pay the extra to subscribe to synthetic vision. The first photo shows Mt Hood more than 30 NM away on both the Dynon SV and map, but the D3 displays fairly flat terrain. As I neared 25 miles the mountain slowly grew on the D3 as you see in the second pic. This seemed to be more than plenty of warning at my speed of 165 knots.
You can see the main screen in the third pic. And another screen I tested but did not share is the G meter. A quick swipe changes it manually, but it came up automatically when I did some warm up 3 G turns. And it matched the Skyview G meter 100% .
Well worth the price for a back up, and if you are still flying with steam gauges even a better investment.

At the bottom of this post I’ll conclude with a video of my first run down Storm’n Norman Timberline ski run. Note; Don’t wear draw string hoodies...��




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