
Well Known Member
When my AI decided to have a bad attitude I labored over whether to get it fixed or go another way. I decided to try the new Dynon D1. I installed it last week and am here to report it works perfectly and was the easiest installation I have ever done. I think we will wire it up to the panel so we don't have to recharge or run a cable to the cigar lighter. Great little instrument.
Thanks for the field report.

If you want to wire the D1 into your plane, please be aware that the D1 accepts 5 volts only. If you bypass the cigarette lighter adapter the aircraft voltage will destroy the D1 power circuit. Inside the cigarette lighter plug is a 10-30 volt to 5 volt converter. The best solution, if you want to wire the D1 directly in, is to buy a cigarette lighter receptor like this one, and mount it behind your panel. Leave the D1 power cable intact and plug it into this dedicated receptor.

Dynon President
I think you're going to find that the D1 is a heck of a good deal. We've had one since Oshkosh, and have used it in all three of our RV's on several trips, and beating it up with aerobatics as well. Everyone we show it to has been impressed - I really haven't heard anyone say anything except "wow!" You can see the wheels turning in the heads of most of the spam can drivers at our airpark - it's perfect for adding redundancy to old certified airplanes with a single vacuum pump.

We've just been velcroing it in spots around our RV's, and it has worked great.


Thanks for the heads-up on panel mounting the D1. Had I not read your post, I would have probably ruined the instrument. Now, I will probably just route the cigar lighter wire in back of the panel and use our existing socket. I don't know why I didn't catch the 5 volt limitation. Did I just not see something or is there no documentation in LARGE RED LETTERING to keep us creative types out of trouble?
Thanks again,