I would love to see a new diesel option for the RV-10. Unfortunately it looks like this one is pretty heavy. According to their website, the target weight is 298 kg or ~656lbs. A IO-540-D4A5 is ~380lbs, which is a lot less even when you add in the ancillaries.

Take care,
?We are very happy with this engine so far,? said Steve Weinzierl, EPS vice president. ?We think the flat vee is the first diesel to be weight-competitive with both the Continental 550 and Lycoming 540 engines.?

I guess it's going to need to go on a serious diet to hit that goal.
Looks like a serious, professional effort with a real business plan. Nice to see an American company in this field. I am only guessing that they might beat Deltahawk to market...:rolleyes:
Steven Weinzierl? Better pay attention gang. Steve is one of the brightest people in the engine business.
awefully heavy....

I'd say definitely not a candidate for the RV10.

But it's good to see diesel technology moving forward.

I may be missing something, but I don't see a lot of difference between the EPS and the Thielert V8, other than the EPS is flat. Both are HEAVY, complicated, high revving, requiring PSRU. Thielert had the benefit of experience from 1000's of 4 cyl versions flying. They managed to fly and certify the V8 before entering receivership. What's EPS doing that's different?

Kurt Goodfellow
RV9 / WAM 120 Turbodiesel, 435 hours