
Well Known Member
Has anyone tried the New David Clark Pro X Head Set. There are a couple of reviews out there with Flying and AOPA and they come back positive. Prices are good.


I've been wondering the same myself. Saw one review on Spruce plus the AOPA review, but I was hoping after OSH could get a first hand review from a VAF'er.
Has anyone tried the New David Clark Pro X Head Set. There are a couple of reviews out there with Flying and AOPA and they come back positive. Prices are good.



I think the Pro X is intended for quiet cockpits (See review in the latest Sport Aviation), so you are not likely to find many users here on the VAF forums.
Actually, the way I read that was that the Pro (non-ANR) was for quiet cockpits and the PRO-X (ANR) was for noisier cockpits. Could be wrong.
David Clark Pro X Headset

Peter Garrson has a good write up review of the new Pro X in the current edition of Sport Aviation. I think it would be difficcult to get better qualified person to critique the product. ;)
Saw Mac's article on 'em, but that was it that I could find. I'm probably blind...just don't want to go deaf too! :D:D
I Got One

I took the plunge and bought one of the few DC Pro-X ANR headsets available at OSH last week. I was concerned about the ability of the muffs that fit on the ear rather than completely over the ears to seal out the noise in an RV. DC is offering a 30 day return policy, so I went ahead. I used it on my 2.5 hour flight home after OSH in my RV-9A.

At first, I was somewhat disappointed at the amount of noise that leaked through. However, after multiple attempts to adjust the headband length and the exact position, I was able to find the sweet spot and got extremely good sealing, resulting in much lower noise than my old cheapie ANR headset. The DC's are so light you don't feel the weight, and the ANR capability is very good. Everything goes silent when the switch is turned on. I am very pleased. I know I will have to go to some trouble to move them around to find the right spot, but it will be worth it. No clamping force on the head, and no leakage around glasses earpieces.

Now I will have to save up to buy a pair for the wife!

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