Gregg Brightwell

Well Known Member
Well, hopefully now I can get busy flying with the list of students that I have been working on! All proceeds go to paying for a wing kit for my -4. :)

Passed the CFI Checkride yesterday with Jim Stokes at the OKC FSDO. Super fair, super reasonable guy..... Actually had FUN on the flight.

A new CFI, but that just means a new 'license to learn'.....

Good Job!

Congrats Gregg! You should be very proud. The initial CFI is hands down, the toughest checkride I've taken (as it should be). It is a major accomplishment!

If you make it over to McPherson I'll take you on an RV inspiration ride!

I have been reading these forums for a few months now and planning to build a RV-10 in the near future. I am the Chief Pilot for a freight operator and Jim Stokes gave me my observed ride and signed me off as a check airman in the Lear 35. He is a great guy.

Congratulations on your CFI. I think teaching is very rewarding. Nothing like seeing the lightbulb finally click on for someone. Learn as many techniques as you can as each student will have different learning methods and what works for one will confuse another.

Quinn Hamon
RV-10 Someday soon
Congrats, and welcome to the club.. Just remember don't ever let your guard down. There was a point when I instructed where I was sure every student was out to kill me...