
Well Known Member
Kelsey Hickman has recently joined the Van's team, and we thought it might be good to put a face to the name for everyone. She's working on our Marketing/media team (actually, technically the fact that she's here means we now have a team!) so when you reach out it's very possible that you'll hear from her.

Kelsey has years of practical experimental aviation experience - at another aircraft company as well as many years spent working in the family business (Advanced Flight Systems, now part of Dynon) and you may have talked to her at OSH or other events when looking at AFS/Dynon gear in the past. She's currently a student pilot, and we're super glad she's here!


Kelsey Hickman has recently joined the Van's team, and we thought it might be good to put a face to the name for everyone. She's working on our Marketing/media team (actually, technically the fact that she's here means we now have a team!) so when you reach out it's very possible that you'll hear from her.

Kelsey has years of practical experimental aviation experience - at another aircraft company as well as many years spent working in the family business (Advanced Flight Systems, now part of Dynon) and you may have talked to her at OSH or other events when looking at AFS/Dynon gear in the past. She's currently a student pilot, and we're super glad she's here!

Congrats Greg and welcome Kelsey!
So the new RV-15 is going to be so good, you needed to bring in someone from outside to introduce it, that's the deal, right?
Welcome Kelsey

I think she will have an easy time marketing the 15! It will jump off the sand bar.
The company won’t be able to produce enough kits to satisfy the market for years to come.
Welcome Kelsey!

Welcome aboard Kelsey! I'm sure you'll put a good face onto what's to come in the Future!
Hey it’s really great to have you aboard this great ship VAF! I hope you realize how wonderful this group is. We all hope to meet you at KOSH.
Great News!!

Kelsey is a wonderful person. Van's wins for sure as do all the customers.

I want a rematch....Inside story!!