jim miller

Well Known Member
This is a question that pertains to old and newly proposed checklist. How is items on the checklist that clearly do not apply to your project dealt with? For example wing flaps or rudder trim. If you have neither are those items subtracted from the check list total and not counted against you? This is the only way to be both fair and accurate.

Jim Miller
Since no one has replied to you.....

...I will. Are you talking about the packing list, or kit contents list that is shipped with every sub-kit? If so, you are correct. If there are items in the kit that you don't want, or want to defer, they are withheld and you are not charged for them. For example, I did not want the tires that comes with the finish kit, so they left them off, and the charge was reduced. Hope this helps...
I believe he's referring to the FAA proposed checklist for E-AB certification. It's particularly relevant to the RV-12, as the FAA has indicated that previously approved kits (like the RV-3 through 10) will remain E-AB certifiable. I'm not positive that they have committed to this grandfathering, but that's been the indication so far.

Aside from that, I can't really answer the question. Common sense dictates that non-applicable line items would simply be disregarded. Otherwise the FAA would have to create a checklist for every possible configuration (not just every known kit, since that wouldn't address scratch builders and designers).