
I just bought the tail kit for the RV8. I am planning on building the quick build. What tool kit should I get? Is a pneumatic sqeezer worth the price? I have the funds but if not needed I dont want to buy. My goal is to have the tools needed to make the project as effecient as possible.
Buy as many tools as you can find. Buy 2 of most everything. You can resell them here on the forum when you are done.
See if there are any builders locally

The tools cost over $2k and they are not used for anything else. Find another builder and rent his tools..I.e send him and thei SO other out for the best meal in town.

if you came across a pnuematic squeezer that was a good deal then yes its worth it..But I built my QB without and would say its a little bit of a luxury

QB or not, you'll pry my pneumatic squeezer from my dead hands! I love that thing, so much easier than trying to find a way to hold down parts while you buck rivets. Lastly, it's much nicer at 9-10pm at night when you can turn off the compressor and keep working by squeezing. Keeps the neighbors happy that way.

The plus side on squeezer is that you can resell it when you are done for practically what you paid for it.
Welcome to the forum. There is a LOT of information out there, get to know how to use the search and advanced search feature. Chances are really good your question, whatever it might be, has been asked before.

Something like the squeezer is a personal choice issue and you will get a lot answers. (I built my slow build with a manual squeezer from Averys.)

In place of a costly squeezer, I would rather have a 2x AND 3x rivet gun. You can do it all with the 3x gun but having both would be really nice. Use the 2x gun when riveting two thin pieces of aluminum together, say a skin and a rib. The 3x would be good for riveting to thick structures, such as your longerons.
Like Bill said squeezer is a personal choice. Nice to have but I never had one. When I started the budget was tight and I was using Avery hand squeezer everywhere so aggressively that replaced that bolt THREE times :D When I had money for fancy pneumatics all major riveting was done:) Your choice.

Pneumatic Squeezers

Buy as many tools as you can find. Buy 2 of most everything. You can resell them here on the forum when you are done.

Two pneumatic squeezers makes things go twice as fast! :)