
I Will be starting a rv7 in the next few months and had a few questions
reguarding the resale when it is finshed, lets say i get it built fly it for 100 hours and want to sell it to start another one. Is there a demand for them?
what is the pros and cons to doing this?
Welcome, Jason.

Yes, but it's a touchy subject, with a few people doing this very thing as their career. If you do it strictly for your education and as a hobby you'll be OK.

Most believe a crack down on 51% violators is coming (myself included).

Welcome again and keep us in the loop on your -7 build progress!


xmxpert said:
I Will be starting a rv7 in the next few months and had a few questions
reguarding the resale when it is finshed, lets say i get it built fly it for 100 hours and want to sell it to start another one. Is there a demand for them?
what is the pros and cons to doing this?
Build & Sell

Build & Sell is fine. The 51% rule only applies to the kit manufacturer. My build assist guy Noel Simmons builds them for people all the time. I think he has built 23 RV now. Here is the thing, you will hold the repairman's certificate for the plane you build, not the person you sell it to.

Noel can finish a plane in about 3 months I think.

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nucleus said:
Build & Sell is fine. The 51% rule only applies to the kit manufacturer. My build assist guy Noel Simmons builds them for people all the time. I think he has built 23 RV now. Here is the thing, you will hold the repairman's certificate for the plane you build, not the person you sell it to.

Noel can finish a plane in about 3 months I think.



I tried to contact you by private message but your box is full.

You said that you new a builder that has built 23 planes.

I have a friend who needs his services. Would you be kind enough to share his contact info with me and I will hand it to my non-computer friend.

I appreciate the help. :)
To get an idea of the popularity and resale value of RV?s, go to barnstormers. Van?s RV?s outnumber the Mustangs and Thorps by a huge margin, as do their resale values.

Yeah, for builders, the ?Repairman?s Certificate? means everything to a lot of people including me, that way we don?t have to pay out to have others do the annuals.

Apparently though, there are plenty of folks with the money, who are just tired of the limited and aging fleet of factory planes, and are looking for something with better performance and value, and they wouldn?t be interested in doing their own maintenance, anyway.
