I did not use a band-saw. I was able to cut all the heavy gauge aluminum angles with a good quality hacksaw and fresh saw blade. One of the main reason for not purchasing a band-saw is the limited shop space of my small garage. All of the cuts in the RV8 are straight line cuts and you have to round off the corners with a file and final finish using the 3M wheel.
I wouldn't say MUST, but it is very handy. Fabricated angle brackets, stiffeners, etc. are a breeze on a band saw. for the price of a cheap one, I'd say you'd get your money's worth
And you don't need a metal blade. I'm building an RV-3B, which involves lots of cutting, and have a 6.5 tpi wood blade on mine. It's a bit coarse but sure cuts nicely.

I smooth the cuts on a sander and then finish them with a Vixen file. Quick and easy. However, wear a mask with any power tool that does fine work - sander, Scotchbrite, whatever - because they make aluminum dust that floats in the air. You can sometimes see it glitter in sunlight.

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Is a metal band saw a must for building a RV8?

I used a Delta scroll saw with my slow build -8. Not as good as a band saw but it worked fine. Use lots of Boelube and you'll do fine either way. Slow blade speed works the best IMHO.
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Maybe not absolutely needed, but you're going to be building a $100K plane (at least). You might as well spend $150 on a bandsaw that will easily earn its keep over the life of the build, and then some.

And I would recommend an 18tpi blade--will work better than a wood blade--cuts cleaner and straighter. It too only costs $10 and is easily changed so why not?
I didn't have on on my build, but if I ever build again, I'll get one. And about a 3' break and a lathe and a vertical mill, and and and..... My advice? Get one.
All the band saws that I’ve been looking at are made for wood. What brand and model are you guys using?
I have the WEN band saw as well. I also got a Lenox 13tpi blade, and it cuts through metals like butter. The stock blade worked, but required a bit more clean up after.

I did a blog post that has a picture of the blade here
Sounds like my shop

I didn't have on on my build, but if I ever build again, I'll get one. And about a 3' break and a lathe and a vertical mill, and and and..... My advice? Get one.

I have a wood bandsaw, works fine for aluminum, just keep boelube or cutting oil handy. I also have a lathe, vertical mill, 3’ brake and 3’ shear. If you have a line on any of those, you’d be surprised how much you use it.