
I would first like to introduce myself to the group. My name is Lester and am a fairly new pilot(PPL 5/20) located in Western Kentucky. So I purchased a well known RV-10 kit that was in the classifieds here on VAF back in July and have been reading a ton since then but have not started the project yet. I wanted to start and complete my IFR rating first and I passed my check ride last Friday. I am now starting at the beginning of the plans and going step by step until I get to where the kit stopped. I am looking forward to what’s to come and am willing to take any suggestions along the way. I just can’t wait to see N10LP in the air.
Welcome Sir! Mike beat me to it (he always does) <g>.


I would first like to introduce myself to the group. My name is Lester and am a fairly new pilot(PPL 5/20) located in Western Kentucky. So I purchased a well known RV-10 kit that was in the classifieds here on VAF back in July and have been reading a ton since then but have not started the project yet. I wanted to start and complete my IFR rating first and I passed my check ride last Friday. I am now starting at the beginning of the plans and going step by step until I get to where the kit stopped. I am looking forward to what’s to come and am willing to take any suggestions along the way. I just can’t wait to see N10LP in the air.
Congratulations on your instrument checkride good job Lester! Five months from private to instrument that’s a lot of work you set your priorities right. Now apply the same system to building your 10. We will be here for your First Flight Party in 2022 :D

I would first like to introduce myself to the group. My name is Lester and am a fairly new pilot(PPL 5/20) located in Western Kentucky. So I purchased a well known RV-10 kit that was in the classifieds here on VAF back in July and have been reading a ton since then but have not started the project yet. I wanted to start and complete my IFR rating first and I passed my check ride last Friday. I am now starting at the beginning of the plans and going step by step until I get to where the kit stopped. I am looking forward to what’s to come and am willing to take any suggestions along the way. I just can’t wait to see N10LP in the air.

Way to go on the instrument rating. I built a 10, so feel free to reach out for any advice, or complaints during the build. That's what we're here for:)....
Buy a practice took kit and wind section.. maybe 2 of each. The first one, build it, then drill out all the rivets and do it again, maybe pick someone who is to help you do some riveting, and let them make some mistakes with you. The second practice kits, do them after you mangle the first ones, so you have something to show off to people who want to know about your “kit” plane!