
Don't think I punched an unwanted hole with our lever actuated DRDT-2 but I'm quite sure I would be if I were to operate a foot driven air drive one. Not saying you will but saying I would.
Hope you enjoy the build as much as I have.
Good luck
That shop is too clean.........

Congratulations on the buy! Its a great project and an even better community to be a part of! Welcome!
Thanks. 200 bucks in steel and a tbd favor to a welder friend. Should squeeze anything that fits in it.
Welcome to the madness!

The table with the power tools reminds of what mine looked like in the beginning.

The first thing I did after taking a picture of it (before bolting everything down) was to knock the 10" drill press onto the floor and knock it out of true. Never did replace that drill press. Probably should.

Congratulations on your new 14 project. I am in the exact same boat as you (minus the spotless shop). Purchased my 14a empennage kit Monday at Oshkosh as well. Looking forward to sharing experiences and learning from other here along the way.

Very excited to get started!

Congratulations on your new 14 project. I am in the exact same boat as you (minus the spotless shop). Purchased my 14a empennage kit Monday at Oshkosh as well. Looking forward to sharing experiences and learning from other here along the way.

Very excited to get started!


Those tables

Your tables look suspiciously familiar. Maybe because I just made a few myself? Kind of looks like you might have done the same thing I did. Did you use the leftover plywood to make a 3rd table 2?x4?? I couldn?t stand to have that much wood just sitting around.
Congratulations on your new 14 project. I am in the exact same boat as you (minus the spotless shop). Purchased my 14a empennage kit Monday at Oshkosh as well. Looking forward to sharing experiences and learning from other here along the way.

Very excited to get started!


Are you a member of EAA Chapter 17? We meet on the first Monday evening of the month in Building 510 at KTYS airport. We have several active builders and a DAR. I have a flying RV14. We might be able to help in your build process. For more info try

Marvin McGraw
Those tables

Your tables look suspiciously familiar. Maybe because I just made a few myself? Kind of looks like you might have done the same thing I did. Did you use the leftover plywood to make a 3rd table 2?x4?? I couldn?t stand to have that much wood just sitting around.

Yep, may as well use the cutoffs to make a 2x4. I had a bunch of prefinished plywood left over from a wainscoting project. Was just sitting there..
Yes. I purchased a Numatx squeezer and they provided me plans for a c-frame. I used their prints 3430 and 3431. I also asked about using the C-frame for riveting and a doubler was recommended. So I went with 1/4? wall tube with a 1/4 plate doubler on each side. I was worried it may be too heavy, but I can lift and move it without breaking my back. I have only tested it so far. I?ll know how well it works in a month or so.
Are you a member of EAA Chapter 17? We meet on the first Monday evening of the month in Building 510 at KTYS airport. We have several active builders and a DAR. I have a flying RV14. We might be able to help in your build process. For more info try

Marvin McGraw

I?m officially on the EAA 17 roster. I don?t often make the meetings because of a recurring schedule conflict. I would like to be there more. Hopefully I will be able to make that happen. I would love the chance to have a look at your 14 some time.

Yes. I purchased a Numatx squeezer and they provided me plans for a c-frame. I used their prints 3430 and 3431. I also asked about using the C-frame for riveting and a doubler was recommended.

I've been looking at that one as well. Trying to decide which plane to build at the moment. I asked for the preview plans for the 9 and also the USB drive for the 9 and 14 for my birthday. Overseas in Bahrain for the next few years, so those will give me something to do. Hope I can maybe find a ride in each one to help the process in figuring out which one. Can't wait to here how you like the squeezed.
