
Congrats Bob, glad to see you're getting back on the horse. I look forward to more of your wonderful writing as your build progresses.
Hi, just wanted to introduce myself.

My name's Bob and tomorrow FEDEX is delivering the first of the RV-12 kits.

Hi Bob, and welcome to VAF!

Please keep us informed on your new build, You will find the RV community to be a great group of builders. There have been instances where RV builders have been profiled on public radio and various blogs. Some builders have even decided to build an RV after selling their original plane. Who knows, you may fall into that group one day.

Enjoy the journey! :D :D
Why didn't you use Bob Collins for a user name, oops looks like it's already taken. :rolleyes::D

Congrats on the new project! I hope you make some entertaining videos for all the RV12 guys.
That's awesome

Good luck with your new build! Wonderful that you are able to continue the journey . . .
Yayyyyy! I will look forward to your posts as you begin yet another adventure. I always enjoy your writing skills...and your building skills! ;)
Builder Bob!

Glad to hear that Bob! :D

Kind of like Alzheimer's. We where old friends. Now we are old new friends. Welcome back builder Bob.
I'm fine with mechanical stuff, but wife says i'm lacking in the social department.

I seem to have missed the boat on who Bob is... This guy wasn't given a Cabinet Post was he?
Congrats Bob

Congratulations Bob. Glad to hear the sale of your 7A went well and that you are starting the 12. Hope to see it parked at OSH in the future.
Welcome to -12 land

Glad you have joined the light sport world. You will enjoy the build, but don't go too fast. It will probably seem like an erector set assembly compared to the -7. What's your kit number?

Bob--we are all so pleased that yo have decided to build and fly again. We look forward to your build, and seeing you out there again.

Welcome Bob. What made you decide on an RV? Have you ever flown in one? There's a pretty decent RV club up in the twin cities where you can get some friends. ;)
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Bob Collins... a repeat builder and has been on this forum for a long time. He built a beautiful RV-12, which, for some strange reason he sold. ;) Now, just like "da Terminator," he's back! a repeat builder and has been on this forum for a long time. He built a beautiful RV-12, which, for some strange reason he sold. ;) Now, just like "da Terminator," he's back!

I think he previously built and just sold an RV-7A and is just now starting the build of an RV-12 :rolleyes:
HI Bob !

Hi Bob! Welcome to the VAF and disregard those skeptics above! They must have you confused with someone else. Nevertheless, you will find lots of folks here willing to help and give lots of advice. Also, we even have some folks here who are pretty smart and will help you come up with many modifications that will add years to your creation. Don't listen to the clowns that do flybys now and then,,,,,,,,,,,,, however, clown lives do matter. :)

The RV-12 is a great starter plane and I know that you made a wise choice with this Van's gem. Van's is a great company and you will really enjoy this journey. Feel free to post any question or concern that you may have. I see that you already have over 1000 posts so we need to get Doug to fix that boo boo. Never seen a newbie start off with 1000 posts. Must be a software bug issue,,,, kinda like avionics. I'm sure it will be fixed at the next software release next summer. By the way, Doug is a good guy. I've never talked with him but he has deleted some of my posts so that makes us kinda like arm-length buddies. :)

Bob, in all seriousness and kidding aside, good luck with the -12 build. I've never flown in one but I've heard good things about them. Im very glad that these models exist as it will probably be my next project once I have to change missions one day.
Yay Bob, glad to hear that!! I hope to see a beautiful polished RV-12 gleaming like a beacon in the middle of OSH HBC real soon!
I think he previously built and just sold an RV-7A and is just now starting the build of an RV-12 :rolleyes:

Yeah. I'm this guy.

I was just being a little silly. Me and this group go back to the YahooGroups days.

My original plan was to recreate this picture from 2001, the day the RV-7A kit (#70240) arrived.


But alas, the young one decided that this would be a good week to go to Cabo. And he was right as today's high temperature was -3.

But we had more fun.


I hope I'll be able to fly this one (building as an E-LSA), but if not, that's cool. It turns out I like building.

Builder number, by the way, is #121026.
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It will be interesting to read your comparison of building the -12 vs the -7A. Methinks there will be numerous RV builders who will be considering your decision for themselves.