Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
Hello out there in R.V. land. I just purchased a -10 last month, and am now working on the vert stab/rudder, soon as I get the skins alodyned they are ready to rivet.

This is my first venture into metal aircraft land, other than getting my SEL cert in a "spam can" 35 years ago. Also, my first venture into on line forums, so please bear with me as I ramble on---------------

I am flying a 1948 Stinson 108-3, have had it for 18 years, and am looking forward to something a bit more modern.

I am looking for info/suggestions/watch-outs etc, as to the building process, and have been reading all of the "threads" here to that end.

Luckily, there is another -10 builder in the area, very well qualified--------a/p, degree in aero engineering, previous builder etc, and I am picking his brain as I get into this, however those of you who have tidbits to share, specially those who have finished the plane, might have something to share that we--------as in everyone out there in cyberland ------can use
to our benefit.

So, if anyone has some words of wisdom for me, I would welcome them.

Thanks, Mike Starkey

Hi Mike!
Welcome, sounds like we are in about the same stage, though I may be moving a bit more slowly than you since I received the first two crates in July and am just now ready to alodine and prime the vs and rudder.

I did manage to mess up my first part - the trailing edge peice for the rudder. Oh, well, it was bound to happen, at least it's not some really expensive part ;)

There's lots of good tips on this board, but the usual stuff, build by the plans, read them 3 times before you start, then once more, measure twice, cut / drill once etc.

Wish I was a bit closer, we could get together.


I think that you will find it a joy to follow the RV-10 directions. They are good and when you put something together and it does not fit, then there is something wrong. I found that to be true 100 %

The most trouble I had was reading the instructions correctly. I would read it and then think something else and it got me into trouble on more than one occassion.

One tip I would give. concerning the trailing edge of the Rudder.
Crimp your rivets only slightly the first time and then back rivet them to completion. Mine turned out to be smooth on both sides. I did however use a pneumatic squeezer to crimp first.

I also have a DRDT-2 dimpler and it saved me hours and hours of dimpling with consistant dimples too.

Enjoy your time,
easy read directions

I'm building a -10 also. I'm working on the wings at this time. It seems to me that Van's "teases" you with the empicone kit in that they lead you by the hand, step by step, in what to do next. When you start on the wings, you'll find that they don't tell you every little thing to do next, in a step, like deburr something. :) It's like they figure you already know to do this. Which, you probably should.
I "hear" it gets less informative, if you will, the farther along you get in the building. BUT, the instruction BY FAR, are better than all the rest of the Van's kits instructions. I've build model airplanes that the instructions were harder to follow than the RV10.
I am thoroughly enjoying building my airplane. It's been, so far, one of the most rewarding & relaxing projects I've done. Even though I'm building the fuel tanks now..........Proseal, it's fun. :D
Just don't get in a hurry & have a ton of fun building. I am

Marshall Alexander
wings, tanks

O.K., got it----------thanks.

Luckily, I have access to an air driven unit that is similiar.
