
I'm New Here
Hey guys,

Well, I guess it's time to introduce myself as I'm sure I'll post here a lot asking for help!
My name is Felipe and I live in Winnipeg, Canada. I decided to build the RV-8, waiting now for my preview plans to arrive and finishing setting up my shop. Playing with both training kits that Van's sell too to build some confidence and get used to my tools. It gets me sad thinking about this, but winter is coming and my plan is to start building before it arrives so I have something to do during the 6 months that I'll be buried in snow LOL

I'll document my progress on my builder log here: http://www.myrv8.ca/
I already learned a lot by silently reading this forum for the past year, but looking forward to learning even more from everyone here! :D
You bet ya.

Sounds like the right thing to do to me! Take your time, you will like the learn and your aircraft when finished. Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888

...to the madness, Felipe. (or would that be, "Felip-eh?") :D
Ask lots of questions, do something on the project every day and enjoy the build. You will find out that it will turn into a journey - with a lot of great people along the way!
Invest time literally EVERY week or more into networking and making friends. It will be extremely frustrating if if not challenge you to quit if you do this solo. Do not do this with out surrounding yourself with fellows that have already or are doing it. If you have to skip a day of building to instead invest that time into a plane builder or and EAA tech counselor to make a genuine friend that will come help you...then do it. Even if it costs money. I started in January on this RV-8. standard Emp. kit, standard Wing kit. Here on month 7, my log shows 985 hours, and I am only ALMOST up to the QuickBuild point of my wings. Fuselage coming in 2 weeks. If I could have found someone in my EAA chapter here sooner, or made a likewise friend to barter with them to help....I would probably be done with wings 3 months ago and at about 200 or 300 hours less than now. Do not do this solo. Friends that will help are worth more than gold.
Hi Felipe!

Another Winnipeg builder here. Don't hesitate to shoot me a message if you want to chat, need help, etc... I have a website but I've really fallen behind on keeping it up to date.

Enjoy your build and good luck!

Hi Felipe!

Another Winnipeg builder here. Don't hesitate to shoot me a message if you want to chat, need help, etc... I have a website but I've really fallen behind on keeping it up to date.

Enjoy your build and good luck!


Hey! I remember seeing your site when I was researching about the MD-RA process. Glad to know you are still active, I noticed you were not updating the site and thought you may have given up.

Question for you and for TurnsWrenches. Did you guys ask Van's to ship the kit directly to Winnipeg or was it cheaper/easier to ship it to Pembina and drive across the border to pick it up?

@ksdflying - Thanks for the suggestion! We have a local EAA group here that meets monthly, with a few folks that have successfully completed RV's and I know at least 1 that have done the RV8, I definitely intend to use all their knowledge to get to the end of this project!
Hey! I remember seeing your site when I was researching about the MD-RA process. Glad to know you are still active, I noticed you were not updating the site and thought you may have given up.

Question for you and for TurnsWrenches. Did you guys ask Van's to ship the kit directly to Winnipeg or was it cheaper/easier to ship it to Pembina and drive across the border to pick it up?

@ksdflying - Thanks for the suggestion! We have a local EAA group here that meets monthly, with a few folks that have successfully completed RV's and I know at least 1 that have done the RV8, I definitely intend to use all their knowledge to get to the end of this project!

Yeah, after spending all day at a desk at work, it's a little hard to sit in front of a computer again in the evening to work on the site when I could just be working on the plane. I have been taking picutures so I'll get around to posting eventually.

I'm taking things really slow and haven't given myself any hard deadlines. Life interrupted a little a few years ago too as it tends to happen.

For the shipping, I shipped directly to my home and shopped around for a broker to handle the brokerage stuff. I don't remember the cost off-hand but it wasn't horrible. I think it does work out to be less expensive to ship to Pembina and go pick it up but I was willing to pay a bit for the convenience. I just gave the brokerage contact info to Van's shipping department and they took care of everything.

Question for you and for TurnsWrenches. Did you guys ask Van's to ship the kit directly to Winnipeg or was it cheaper/easier to ship it to Pembina and drive across the border to pick it up?

I haven't ordered a kit (yet), but over the years I have learned to check the price difference between shipping to the border and shipping to my doorstep. The savings might be negated if you have to go thru the hassle of renting a truck and trailer.
If you have a friend with both however, get your customs paperwork in a row, including tarriff details, and enjoy the trip. Stopping for a burger at George's in Morris can be a nice touch!

For the shipping, I shipped directly to my home and shopped around for a broker to handle the brokerage stuff. ... I just gave the brokerage contact info to Van's shipping department and they took care of everything.

These guys are local, and I've heard great reviews from a number of other local small business owners. http://www.rutherfordglobal.com
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