
I'm New Here
On a trip up to visit a friend in Portland, I ... ahem, happened to stop in at Vans. Well, needless to say I happened to accidentally find myself in the back seat of the RV-8A demonstrator, and ... somehow to my surprise I found an RV-8 emp kit in the back of my truck as I left, and my wallet a fair bit lighter.

A few days later, I found that, to my shock, I had charged a lot of money on credit cards and placed an order with Isham.

Man, I dunno what's going on, but I imagine I'll find out when I get back home and start cleaning out the garage to build my worktables and start inventorying things. The email I got said that my tools won't be shipping for about a month, so I guess I have lots of time to think about things.

One thing I've noticed is a surprising (to me) lack of a significant online presence of bay area RVers or homebuilders in general. I know yall are out there! Where're you hiding? What are you working on?

There are a fair # of us (come to EAA 20 at San Carlos airport 2nd Tues of each month). My plane is finished now so I don't do much building - but I'm always happy to give rides.

There are a few RVs at each of the local airports. Where do you work in Mountain View?
I am a bit north of you in Petaluma (O69). Getting back to work on my RV-9 after an extended illness. My hanger partner has been flying his RV-8 for about a year now. Fly up if you wish and we can do lunch and look at the projects.
EAA338 at RHV

I live in Mountain View on Moffett Field and know several RV builders/flyers in Mountain View (-6A, -8, -9A) that are all EAA Chapter 338 members. We meet on second Tuesday of month in terminal building at KRHV and have a number of Bay area RV builders in the chapter. Next meeting is 10 January at 7:30 pm - stop by! I think that's same night as Kevin's EAA20 meetings so maybe try both between Jan and Feb and I'm sure you'll meet a number of local RV builders/flyers. Many of us are of course happy to give a builder inspiration ride....

My -6A is based at RHV and I share a hangar with two RV-4s. We've got a couple RV-8s on same hangar row and at least one -6 one row away.
I live in Oakland, built and fly out of Livermore. EAA chapter 663, 2nd Thursday of every month, 7:30PM at the airport terminal building.

Jeremy Constant
There are a fair # of us (come to EAA 20 at San Carlos airport 2nd Tues of each month). My plane is finished now so I don't do much building - but I'm always happy to give rides.

There are a few RVs at each of the local airports. Where do you work in Mountain View?

I'm familiar with EAA #20 and #338. I'm currently an EAA member and a member of IAC #38 ... but not of any local chapter, so I suppose I'll have to figure out what to do in regard to that. RHV is nominally closer, but SQL is faster to get to for the most part ... so I'm not really sure what the right answer is. :> However, I look forward to meeting any/all of you.

I currently work for Palm / HP in Sunnyvale.

Fly up if you wish and we can do lunch and look at the projects.

That actually sounds rather nice. I've only been into O69 once, picking up a buddy of mine who crashed his motorcycle up that way. It'd be good to have an excuse to go back in VMC.

I live in Mountain View on Moffett Field and know several RV builders/flyers in Mountain View (-6A, -8, -9A) that are all EAA Chapter 338 members.
Hmmm, compelling...

We meet on second Tuesday of month in terminal building at KRHV and have a number of Bay area RV builders in the chapter. Next meeting is 10 January at 7:30 pm - stop by! I think that's same night as Kevin's EAA20 meetings so maybe try both between Jan and Feb and I'm sure you'll meet a number of local RV builders/flyers. Many of us are of course happy to give a builder inspiration ride....

I think I may just do that ... I look forward to meeting builders and fellow pilots.

My -6A is based at RHV and I share a hangar with two RV-4s. We've got a couple RV-8s on same hangar row and at least one -6 one row away.

Wow.. that's pretty sweet. I didn't realize there was such a homebuilt presence at RHV, much less a population of RVs. So many airplanes hiding away. :> That's something that I'm not looking for, trying to find space for an RV... though I hear there are tiedowns available at several airports in the area these days.

I live in Oakland, built and fly out of Livermore. EAA chapter 663, 2nd Thursday of every month, 7:30PM at the airport terminal building.

#663?? Man, I haven't been paying attention. I didn't know about that chapter... looking at yall's website, it's apparent there are a lot of RV builders in your rank.

Well, thanks for all the replies... I very much look forward to meeting any and all of you in time!

Anxiously! awaiting tool shipment,

I'm getting very close to finishing my 9A at E16. You are welcome to come check it out. There is a 338 member who is building a 9A up in Mt. View. He is usually at the meetings.

We also have a couple of completed 8s in the chapter, one of which is a couple of hangars down from me.

I'll be at the 338 meeting as well.

Congrats on taking the plunge!
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I'm getting very close to finishing my 9A at E16. You are welcome to come check it out.

I'd love to!

We also have a couple of completed 8s in the chapter, one of which is a coup,e of hangars down from me.
I'll be at the 338 meeting as well.

I'm going to try my best to hit the next EAA 338 meeting.

Congrats on taking the plunge!

Thank you! :> Needless to say I'm -extremely- excited to get home and start setting up my workspace... and I'm going to be champing at the bit until my toolkit arrives and I can start working on my practice projects. Meanwhile, I'll have to start taking people up on the option to check out their projects, and getting to know all of you fine fellas.
