
After 20 years of dreaming about building, I finally took the plunge and started the empennage. I have a tech counselor visit in the works with Ironflight, but thought I'd see if there is an experienced builder in the Reno area willing to critique my work before that visit (cold beer on hand) to save me any pending embarrassment!
Welcome to VAF, and Congratulations

After 20 years of dreaming about building, I finally took the plunge and started the empennage.

Mike, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D

Congrats on getting the project underway.
Mike: Where you be buidling? Many RVs at Stead, if not there, come out and just walk around. Dan from Reno
Thanks for the response Dan. Built a small house with a large garage just for this project in South Reno...would love to meet you guys at Stead.
Hi Mike! I?m in South Reno as well. Great RV community here in the area. I look forward to getting the chance to meet you some day. There are a good number of RV?s in all the local airports (Stead, Reno Int?l, Carson, Minden, and others...).
Mike: My hangar is on the west end of the Stead Airport #MA-7. I'm usually out there at the crack of 10:00am and usually leave at 4-5pm, every day. Come on by and I'll show you around and introduce you to some of the guys. I also live in the South Reno area, east of 580 between Damonte Ranch Road and South Meadows. 21 miles from my garage to my hangar. Dan from Reno
I’ll see if I can get by in the next week Mike - headed home from a few days in Oshkosh right now, but won’t pass through south Reno until after midnight....
Mike, I'm also in South Reno and although I don't have an RV yet of my own I'm constantly dreaming! I'd also like to get to know some of the Reno/Stead RV folks and begin to get involved. Heck, maybe I can even lend you a hand on occasion during the build! I look forward to meeting all of you.

Dan - I'll be sure to stop by and introduce myself when I get a chance.

Another South Reno RV-6

Mike, congrats on your new project. Hope to meet you someday. I'm in south Reno, with RV-6 at KRNO. Just yell if you need any help, lots of great knowledgeable folks close by.

