
Active Member
Hey gang, I'm a new guy living in Roselle, IL ...and I sure would like to meet any local builders out there, maybe even get a peek at your workshops and pick your brains a bit? Show me your shop, and I'll bring the beer! Hope to hear from you- thanks

Paul Nelson

welcome to VAF. I too will be building a -7. Although, I'm in Ft Worth, TX, I'm sure someone in your area is building. Check out the RV white pages and vans site for builders in your area. I'm sure there are some. Stay warm.


Welcome to VAF. I am 15 minutes from St Louis in Collinsville, IL. and working on the emp for a -7A. If you are ever in this area, send me a PM and stop on by.

Welcome aboard and bring the beer. Its WARMER down here. We still
have to buy ICE:D

Good luck with the project.
Thanks for the welcome, guys. Dave, we're *trying* to keep warm; it's currently 11 below in Chicagoland... but I can hear derisive laughter coming from North Dakota :)

I've just finished getting all the basic shop tools together, and have 99% decided to go with for the RV toolkit- I really like their deluxe package with the DRDT-2 and pneumatic squeezer included. I'll be taking the pay-as-you-go route, with the empennage kit ETA in June. That'll give me plenty of time to get the garage turned into a respectabe workshop, hang an A/C unit from the window, install a mini-fridge, plumb for air, etc. Gotta build tables, too.

I'm less sure about gear configuration, but that only stems from a desire to have it all --each configuration has its pros and cons, and I'll pretty sure end up with a -7A. Gotta go with the tip-up canopy, but I'm determined to install a small plexi vent on each side for some additional air while on the ground.

Definitely going to have an IO-360 up front, but 180hp/FP to keep things simple and within budget. I think Mattituck can give me a 360 that can be converted to CS at a later time, so some investigation is still in order.

Best of all, I have the full support of my wife, which makes all the difference in a project of this scope- I feel very lucky indeed, and am chompin' at the bit to get started!
Hi Paul,
I'm downstate just a bit from Chicago ... west of Champaign about 10 mi. If you're ever thru this way, stop in! Just let me know if you'd rather shoot or buck. :eek:)
New Builder


Congrats on the choice of a 7A. We have several RVs flying out of Morris, including my 7, and have several local builders. We are planning an open house at the airport this spring and will post a note on the forums with the details. We have a very active EAA chapter and you're welcome to come by anytime for one of our meetings.
Hi Paul,

You are welcome to check out my shop, i'm up in McHenry, IL, and working on the empennage for a -7.

After a 2 year hiatus (got busy with life!), Im ramping up again an currently riveting the rudder. If you stop by I can show you some of the basics and I have some of the tools you mention (DRDT-2 and pneumatic sq).

My shop is in my basement (walkout), so the weather is not an issue (as you know it was -17F this morning)!!

Oh yeah, I like beer too :D

PM me if you're interested!
