
Well Known Member
Hi everyone,
I?ve just started building an RV-9 and I simply cannot believe just how much this project has drawn me in. I?ve had ups and downs already, but I am finding that it?s such a wonderful way to expend lots of brainpower and physical effort. I received the EMP kit in late August, and have slowly progressed through to commencing assembly of the HS now.

There is so much to learn, and fortunately so many people to learn from, both here in the VAF forums and through other builders where I live. Van?s Tech support has been great, as I?ve already called upon them twice and received prompt and very useful responses.

To anybody starting out, here are some things I?ve learned (some the hard way, some by adapting my engineering brain to some different ideas, but most have been learned already by others).

1. Do your research. Read, plan, read some more, think, plan a little more, do some more research, double check the drawings, check the drawings against the plan instructions, read the plans further on in the build so you don?t paint yourself into a corner.
2. Buy good tools. They work, they?ll save you time and damage.
3. Tape up your bucking bars! This worked a treat for me after I read it in a post here.
4. Put tape on your AN470 rivet snaps & say goodbye to smilies. For flush sets, I?ve used a criss-cross of rivet tape over the snap.
5. Listen to others who?ve built before.
6. Buy some hand shears. Much better than snips, but obviously can?t do everything snips can do.
7. Be inventive with tools. I?ve already crafted an old ride-on mower blade into a thin bucking bar. Right shape - hard as nails.
8. If you?re tired, or making mistakes, leave the workshop. Have a shower, sit on the lounge, watch netflix, have dinner & get a good night?s rest. Miraculously the next day you won?t make the same mistake again.
9. Be proud of what you?re doing. Not only are you among those who can fly a plane - soon you?ll be amongst fewer still who?ve actually built one.
10. Sometimes things in the instructions just don?t seem right, particularly in the order of how to do things, so don?t be afraid to change the order you put things together in. Before you do though, go through step 1 again.

Lastly, and just for good measure, I have an entry in the primer wars. I?m going to Alodine all the small fiddly and generally unseen but really important structural stuff (ribs, brackets, HS/VS spars), then hit with a light coat of good spray primer. For the skins, I?ve decided to just clean in detergent with scotchbrite on the insides and exterior rivet lines, then dry and use a foam brush or spray to put on an etch primer (again the foam brush was an idea I read on here).

Thanks to all, this is just so much fun.
Welcome!! I was having a lot of fun until I hit the canopy and now the cowling. I will however muddle through and not let a couple discouraging areas of the plane put me in a tail spin. That's good advice you have given. I could add just try to do something every day. Even if it's only looking at VAF(you should be on here every day anyway). Basically just stay engaged. Make time for your family if you have one though. You still want to have one when you're done!!
My last tip for your countrymans lighting kit. Flyleds!!! They're awesome and he is a great guy to work with!!
Welcome!! I was having a lot of fun until I hit the canopy and now the cowling. I will however muddle through and not let a couple discouraging areas of the plane put me in a tail spin. That's good advice you have given. I could add just try to do something every day. Even if it's only looking at VAF(you should be on here every day anyway). Basically just stay engaged. Make time for your family if you have one though. You still want to have one when you're done!!
My last tip for your countrymans lighting kit. Flyleds!!! They're awesome and he is a great guy to work with!!

True, true, and true. I'm trying to do something everyday, whether it's research / planning or actual building, and also staying in touch with my family. Fortunately my kids are grown and ironically my wife suggested I start building a plane so I had something to throw myself into and not notice how long she spent with her horses!

I've already bought the Flyleds kit, and thoroughly agree, Paul has been very helpful. Also, rather ironically, the first rivets set for my plane were the nut plates onto the landing light boards! Now I've got the flashy lights, I better finish the plane to show them off.
Hi Geoff, I'm just up in Mudgee and finished my 9 in January. Still flying off the 25 hours. Had some CHT problems but have put ducts in the baffles and appears to be OK. You will love the 9, flys lovely and lands easily. Maybe we could hook up, I have a full suite of tools, don't wish to sell, thinking maybe build just a little 'nother one. Loved building. If you get stuck give me a call oh4 three eight 226 eight eight for. VH-EAB (Experimental amateur built).
Adding to list . . .

11. Occasionally spend time with the wife and kids. (helps avoid the divorce papers later on).