Well Known Member
Does anyone base out on New Braunfels? I fly in there about twice a month to see my 89 yr. old mom. Need a place to stash my Goldwing Motorcycle cheaply to use to go visit. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Doesn't take up much space.
re your gold wing

i expect to have a hangar by summer there: contact me then at [email protected] if you haven't found a solution by then, and if my plan has come to fruition you could stash it in my hangar. plans are just plans, but it ought to work...don olandese

Don. I will keep that in mind, hope it all works out. I was in NB this weekend and talked with a couple of guys. Seems the city is trying to edge Aero Services FBO out. Cafe was closed. Those are really nice people there, hope they can get it back together. Government.....we're here to help you. right.
New Braunfels

The problem with the New Braunfels airport is that they have an airport manager who hates aviation types. He is dumping all variations...EAA, the cafe, etc. Corporate Jets with fuel's all about money! And that is my opinion. If y'all see it fit to delete this editorial comment...go ahead. I feel better now.
New Braunfels

Seems the city is trying to edge Aero Services FBO out

Please support our local FBO if you're in New Braunfels. When cities force out private enterprise, what's left is almost never good for local general aviation. The only thing that's saving them is a prominent attorney that's taken their case pro bono because he's outraged at what he sees as abusive government action. They have been to court many many many times and won every time but can't continue to afford to fight.

One of the owners came and spoke to our EAA chapter last month. She said her attorney said to tell her side of the story and what little I've written above is a part of what she told us.
New Braunfels

Sure miss SWRFI in general, but particularly the few years it was held in New Braunfels. I hope that the FBO can survive this governmental malfeasance.
I also fly into KBAZ every few weeks for work. I did not know any of the issues going on between the city and the FBO. If I come in for a meeting downtown I have been tying down at the terminal and using the city's courtesy cars. If I am stopping for fuel I go to the FBO. Does anyone know if the FBO has courtesy cars that I can use for a few hours?
I was told.......

Aero Services FBO did have a courtesy car, but this was before their fuel was shut off. In talking with a few local guys there, it seems the State inspected their fuel farm and everything was okay, then city came out and failed them. According to the locals, the FBO has longterm ground lease for all their hangars at a favorable rate, had built all the facilities and now in later years, city wants it back. They told me a Judge had ordered the city to sign the renewal on the lease and the city still refused to sign lease. A number of people have lost their jobs (FBO/cafe personnel). I realize that there are always two sides to everything, but the government seems set on running the FBO out. As a small businessman, it's tough enough without the government using your own tax dollars to try to shut you down. This FBO is important to flyers heading to San Antonio. To give an example, you can generally get a good spot under a "hail shed" for $7 at the FBO, go to the city FBO and it cost $40 a night. If the city prevails, it will certainly limit your choices (never a good thing). As I have said before, I really don't know the people at Aero Serices FBO very well, but everytime I have been in there, they have had good service and been very nice. The little cafe they ran (now closed) had good food and was the meeting place for guys like us.

If your flying to NB, let's try to do what we can to help these guys, they are good people.
I'm sad to hear that the restaurant is shut down again, and that Aero Services is being persecuted parents were "Snow Birds" for 20 years - spending their winters in New Braunfels to escape the Minnesota winters - and I used to fly out on weekends all the time. We always enjoyed meeting up at the airport café' for a quick lunch, and felt that when the city put in their "terminal", things there were pretty sterile. When the Tower went in to this little field, I realized that the city really had delusions of grandeur, and no good would come of it. Sad, really.

I loved Aero Services courtesy cars - complete wrecks, door handles missing (you had to get in from the passenger side), but they would get you in to town for German food, and that's all that mattered. True GA classics!

hope it doesn't change my plans!

have been out of touch & traveling lately and was unaware of probs at KBAZ. hope i can still FIND the guy whose hangar waiting list i was on! will let you know what i find out - thanks for the update on my own back yard! if things have deteriorated i will sure miss those pancakes. don olandese
The Battle Continues

Going to be in New Braunfels on Thursday, March 17th? Join us at the hearing at 9:00am at the Comal County Courthouse on the Plaza in New Braunfels in the matter of City of New Braunfels vs. New Braunfels Aero about the Temporary Restraining Order preventing them from dispensing fuel and a prohibition of their supplier from delivering fuel to them.

You won?t have a speaking part but a show of support will make it plain to the judge & lawyers that this is bigger than just a little spat at the airport. Please call New Braunfels Aero at 830 606-6666 if you plan to attend. They will also know of any changes in schedule as the event draws closer.
Update, of sorts...

as of 21 July, New Braunfels Aero Service still can't sell fuel. word is the legal delays are exhausting themselves and there should be resolution "soon." meantime the airport is very quiet most of the time, great facilities (including the crew car with personality) but - if you can - avoid or at least minimize use of the city's gas pumps.